Luxoft Training

[TLC-022] CCNA ICND1 100-105® Certification Training
The CCNA ICND1 100-105 Certification Training course prepares participants for the 100-105 ICND1 exam for the Cisco CCENT certification and also for part of the 200-125 CCNA exam required for Cisco CCNA certification.

[TLC-010] Basic Networking
The main areas we cover focus on the evolution and principles of networking, the basic notions used in this domain, various types of equipment as well as a description and general information of basic networking protocols.

[TLC-023] CCNP Switch® 300-115 Certification Preparation
The CCNP Switch® 300-115 Certification Preparation course is aimed at preparing participants for the 300-115 SWITCH® exam.

[TLC-024] CCNA ICND2 200-105 Certification Training
This course is aimed at helping participants prepare for taking the Cisco ICND2 200-105 Exam – necessary to get a Cisco CCNA Certification.

[TLC-019] Applied Networking Protocols
In this training we look at Applied Networking Protocols (Static / Dynamic approach), in a practical manner with real-life examples over various networking topologies.

[TLC-018] CCNP Route® 300-101 Certification Preparation
The CCNP Route® 300-101 Certification Preparation course gives participants the necessary hands-on experience to pass the simulations, testlets and simlets inside the 300-101 ROUTE exam.

[TLC-014] VxWorks® Advanced Concepts
This course leads participants into the depths of VxWorks® real time operating system. VxWorks® is a popular real-time multi-tasking operating system for embedded microprocessor systems and offers a wide area of real time facilities and net

[PTRN-028_ONL] Secure Coding in C and C++
The course concentrates on security issues intrinsic to the C and C++ programming languages and associated libraries. The intent is for this course to be useful to anyone involved in developing secure C and C++ programs regardless of the sp

[TLC-011] IPv4 Multicast

[TLC-003] Network Synchronization
Concepts of synchronous services and network synchronization.

[TLC-004] Take a sip of SIP
SIP (Session Initiation Protocol) is a signaling protocol used to create, manage and terminate sessions in an IP based network. This course if for beginners and aims to give a brief introduction to SIP before one ventures into the long RFC

[TLC-006] IPv6 General
This training provides a detailed overview of the new version of IP, offering a structured presentation of the IPv6 protocol and the new concepts it introduces.

[TLC-001] VxWorks Concepts

[91] A little trick when working with ConcurrentDictionary
ConcurentDictionary has one specific feature: in some cases it may not behave exactly as you'd expect. Here is a small example. Let's say we need to do some small caching so that the results of an expensive calculation be taken from the cac

[69] Personal project methodology
Do you sometimes wonder about the methodology you as a leader must select for a project? Do you ask yourself whether it will lead to the success of the project or not?

[70] Personal project methodology-part 2
In the first part of the article we talked about a system for selecting a proper project management methodology. In the second part we will look at the benefits of this particular system.

[71] No Need for a Grid
Every enterprise application features some sort of the grid. A grid being is an interactive table that presents a list of data with rows and columns. The most used features of the grid are paging, sorting and filtering. There are a lot of

[72] KPI’s and conflicts of interest
Are there any KPI which affect the personal interests of the manager but can also lead to a win-win situation? The answer is no. Once there are KPI’s that affect the interest of the manager we will surely have a situation where the manager

[40] Network Synchronization course in Bucharest
New course from Luxoft Training center “Network Synchronization” will take place in Bucharest, 11.14.2014.

[29] Luxoft Training assists to prepare for the BABOK certification
Luxoft Training has received the status of Endorsed Education Provider (EEP ™) of International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA ®), that confirms the compliance of the training courses, offered by Luxoft Training to the Busin

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