Apache Camel at BJUG
Ever since we launched our Luxoft Training services in Romania we have focused on developing partnerships with these types of communities and one of the most important and productive of them is with the Bucharest Java User Group community.
On the 17th of November we hosted another community meeting where Iulian Velea, Technical Lead at Luxoft and also a trainer for Luxoft Training facilitated a presentation on Apache Camel Enterprise Integration Patterns implementations to more than 40 members of the group.
During the presentation Iulian talked about the Apache Camel architecture, main concepts and abstractions as well as a number of commonly used Enterprise Integration Patterns implementations in Camel, together with their practical applications.
Participants were very interested in the subject and how they could apply Apache Camel to the projects they were involved in, so much so that we will most likely hold another BJUG event on the subject