How to Apply MBTI in HR: Motivation for every day. Groups of People & their Motivations

How to Apply MBTI in HR: Motivation for every day. Groups of People & their Motivations

The first group — ES or “Status”


As a rule, representatives of this type are visible straight away - they try to stand out. They strive to establish contact with as many people as possible and control them. They don’t like to go into details. In personal interests, they easily take responsibility for large projects and groups of people, but they are also great at evading responsibility, if necessary. ES people strive for leadership positions and always emphasize the prestige of what they do.


Since representatives of this group are focused on obtaining power and their recognition as influential people, they need to be motivated by recognition and emphasizing their importance in the organization. A motivating phrase - "Without you, we cannot do this." If by role they are not entitled to a separate office or car, this can be substituted by regular recognition of their services in front of the whole team, a big title, or a promise of growth perspectives. It is important to remember that if the ES does not receive recognition and leadership in something, they might become a leader of the opposition (and thus try to gain shadow leadership).

How to Apply MBTI in HR Motivation for every day Groups of People their Motivations.jpg


The second group is IS or “Welfare”


This type is more material oriented than others. As a rule, they strive to get their "part” and monitor it, not allowing anyone to approach their territory. If they notice something unclaimed, they will try to attach it to their part. An IS should be sure that they are paid exactly as much as they have earned. If this is not done, the manager needs to compensate them with some other tangible benefits - for example a comfortable chair, compensation for meals, etc. At the same time, they are determined to help others. A motivating phrase: "Help me please."


This group of people form a stable core of any team. It is important that their motivational interests are satisfied, then the IS will be loyal and play by the rules set by the leader. They don’t need a revolution. Provide them with comfort, cookies, fair pay and no games, and an IS will work productively for the benefit of the company. This type qualitatively solves a range of permanent tasks, can control small projects with a limited number of subordinates, and are also able to delegate responsibility to others. As a rule, they don’t tend to expand their area of responsibility on their own.


The third group is EN or “Uniqueness”


Representatives of these groups strive to stand out, but do not really like to control others and bear responsibility. As a rule, EN are creative and unique specialists, advisors. They willingly propose innovative ideas, conduct research, and make changes in the company’s activities. They can take responsibility for large projects if someone else controls its implementation. One of the main values for this group is freedom.


The motivation for representatives of the EN group is more effective when emphasizing the uniqueness of the problems they solve. A motivational phrase - “you are the only one like this.” They will get easily bored by routine, so you need to give them more interesting tasks. Allow them small liberties such as a flexible schedule, free dress code, etc. If their uniqueness is not pointed out in front of the whole team, they will find their own activities, and often this will not be in favor of the company.


The fourth group is IN or “Self-importance”


Representatives of this type are good analysts, optimizers, and communicators. They are distinguished by the desire for independence, and less interested in the material part. Their deepest ideas are born in their heads. The main things for them are to be interested in something: self-development, the opportunity to learn, to increase their value, etc. Therefore, on the one hand it’s difficult to motivate them in the usual ways, yet on the other hand, motivation methods are often not as expensive as, for example, the ES. A motivational phrase "Only you could have guessed that!"


People of the IN type love to dive into the solution of a narrow range of research problems, or prepare changes in the company, but in such a way that someone else controls it. They do not really like personal responsibility; they prefer to share it with others. To motivate INs, give them the opportunity to do something interesting and bother them less with unserious matters. From time to time, send them to some trainings or professional development courses, because INs are eternal students.


Where and How to Apply the MBTI Technique


Of course, MBTI is a very general approach – dividing all people into just four groups. And yet it has proven itself well in practice. You can already use it at the interviewing stage. After all, if your company is focused on boosting uniqueness, you need more Unique EN people. If you work in the Research & Development field, you need more Self-valued IN colleagues. Remember that when there are too many Status ES people, you risk having a demonstration of their own prestige. And for the average company, it’s better if mostly formed by hardworking IS folks.

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