Java EE 7 Master Class organized by Luxoft Training

Java EE 7 Master Class organized by Luxoft Training

On the 17th and 19th of February Luxoft Training hosted a webinar master class with Adam Bien, one of the world’s foremost experts on Java. Adam has been working with Java since 1995 and is a regular speaker at various industry conferences.

The event covered subjects such as Unit Tests, over mocking, Integration, System, Stress and Functional Tests with a focus on Java EE 7. More than 65 participants from Romania, Poland, Russia and Ukraine took part. They had the opportunity to code, discuss best practices, hacks and workarounds and also get answers from Adam to some of their technical questions.

The participants were impressed with Adam’s skills and expertise but the most important aspect was the fact that the master class included live programming so that everybody could see what he does, how he does it and the way he overcomes particular challenges.

“Adam presented some very interesting aspects of testing and how development should be done. Communication with him was easy and accessible.”

“I liked quality of presentation and information provided. Adam Bien is Java expert (and reviewer) and his presentations are GREAT.”

“The event was excellent, very informative. The organization was very good. The topic was very relevant to me because I was actually looking for a similar training in the past. QA time was interesting.”

This event is just one in a series of master classes that Luxoft Training will organize in 2015 and they will feature some of the foremost experts in the IT field such as Dino Esposito or Joe Rainsberger. They will be held in various formats such as online conferences or class room events.

If you are interested in taking part in future events stay tuned to our website or follow us on LinkedIn and Facebook.

We hope you enjoyed this master class and we look forward to seeing you again next time.