Master class from .Net-guru Dino Esposito, Moscow, October, 25, 2014

Master class from .Net-guru Dino Esposito, Moscow, October, 25, 2014

Luxoft Training is glad to invite you to the first master class from Dino Esposito “Fresh perspective on real-world software design: from DDD to CQRS and from both up to Event Sourcing” in Russia.
The workshop goes through the definition of the DDD. Trainer will compare domain models with anemic models and will relate a domain model to DTOs, real-world processes, business rules, and concrete technologies for persistence such as Entity Framework Code-first.

On this basis will be displayed the growing complexity of modeling and outlined the need to step back to a simpler but equally powerful model such as CQRS, which, allows you to take a fresh look at the application design.

By the results of the considered issues speaker will focus on Event Sourcing as a form of lateral thinking. Will be discussed a demo in which events are recorded in the NoSQL-database, then reproduced in DDD read model and also problems such as synchronization, integrity, performance and latency are solved.

Speaker – Dino Esposito.


A long-time trainer and top-notch consultant, Dino is the author of many popular books for Microsoft Press that helped the professional growth of thousands of .NET developers and architects. CTO of a fast-growing company providing software and mobile services to professional sports, at the moment Dino is also technical evangelist for JetBrains, where he focuses on Android and Kotlin development, and member of the team that manages WURFL—the database of mobile device information used by organizations such as Google and Facebook.

Special Offer: July, 1 – August, 31 – 450 EUR.

Date: 10.25.2014
Location: Moscow. 

More information about the course.

We invite you to watch a video interview with Dino Esposito, in which he talks about the master class “Fresh perspective on real-world software design: from DDD to CQRS and from both up to Event Sourcing”.