SAFe. Values and benefits

SAFe. Values and benefits

Every time you hear a discussion about the Agile delivery processes you also hear about principles and values. Part of these values can actually be seen as benefits gained when the framework implementation works, rather than something imposed from the beginning and forced from the outside. A list of such benefits in SAFe can be:


Built-in quality

A concern supported by constant attention and investment in maintaining the sound technical foundation of the solution. Achieved with the implementation of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline. With investing real capacity into Technical Enablers. With the adoption of DevOps culture and XP practices like code quality, pair working, refactoring, TDD etc. All these are strongly highlighted and recommended in SAFe.


Lead times

Shortening the time between getting the request and delivering the implementation is deeply embedded in all the processes and practices for every SAFe layer. It is supported for example by the adoption of the “built-in quality” idea. By the constant prioritization of the work performed by PMs and POs. By the effort to improve continuously. By eliminating delays from the pipeline. The tools used, like the Kanban boards, the usage of agile metrics, the ceremonies, are helping a lot in achieving the best sustainable lead time for the organization.


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Continuous flow

Having a working implementation of the Continuous Delivery Pipeline guarantees a predictable and constant flow of value reducing a lot of the pressure received from the customers in terms of scope and delivery dates. This flow is also constantly monitored and measured and any identified issues are being aggressively removed.


Optimum economic output

Defining and making available for everyone the framework for decision making and trying to decentralize most of the decisions, the process of continuous prioritization at all levels, from Epics to User Stories, makes sure that most of the times the economic result is the optimum one. The recommended prioritization technique is called WSJF (weighted shortest job first), which uses as its main determining factor the Cost of Delay as opposed to non-economic prioritization based on sunken costs, highest paid person, the loudest person or other irrelevant factors. A big change is the switch from traditional accounting to innovation accounting based on leading indicators which are looking into the future trying to predict the economic results of the innovations happening in the present in order to stay ahead of the competitors.


Transparency and alignment

The transparency of every relevant piece of information is completely supported in both directions, business to teams and backwards, by the mindset, practices and processes. Everything is being communicated openly, everything deserves to be challenged, and divergent opinions are encouraged for a better outcome. This ensures that first of all the direction, vision, roadmap and strategy are clear for everyone and there is no real excuse for people not to align to them.


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