Docker Fundamentals

Docker Fundamentals

This course covers essential information about Docker: installation, essential usage, image creation, swarm, services, and stack.

20 hours
Course type
20 hours
Schedule and prices
€ 550 *
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs
Docker Fundamentals
20 hours
Schedule and prices
€ 550 *
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs


We will look at the architecture of Docker and its components, when to use Docker (and when it’s not appropriate) as well as how to run and control applications and services in Docker containers. You will learn different ways of troubleshooting when something goes wrong on Docker and at the container level, in addition to working with images, creating your own images via Dockerfile, and publishing images on Docker Hub.

And last but not least, we will cover how to keep persistent data using volumes, including backups and restores, different types of network models in Docker and various subjects related to Docker housekeeping.

The course contains a lot of hands-on labs covering every aspect of learning. You'll get the foundational skills needed to get started using Docker in your day-to-day workflow.

After completing the course, a certificate
is issued on the Luxoft Training form


  • Understand how Docker works
  • Use docker in daily activities
  • Create custom Docker images
  • Containerize applications

Target Audience

  • DevOps Engineers
  • Software Developers
  • QA and Testing Specialists
  • Anyone who wants to know about Docker (for using it in their projects)



01. Start (theory 0,4h)

02. Getting Started (theory 0,8h, practice 0,2h)

  • • What problems docker solves
  • • Difference between containers and VMs
  • • Docker architecture and components
  • • Commands and getting help

03. App in Container (theory 0,8h, practice 0,2h)

  • • What container is
  • • Run application in container
  • • Listing containers
  • • Stopped containers
  • • Clean up

04. Service in Container (theory 0,8h, practice 1h)

  • • Run service in container
  • Expose ports
  • • Pause and resume containers
  • • Kill application in container
  • • Restart application in container
  • • Start stopped containers
  • • Restart policy
  • • Container Lifecycle

05. Debugging Containers (theory 0,5h, practice 1h)

  • • Fetch logs of a container
  • • Execute a command inside a container
  • • Attach and detach local terminal to a container
  • • Copy files and folders between a container and the local filesystem
  • • Display detailed information on a container
  • • Display docker events

06. Images (theory 0,8h, practice 1h)

  • • What an image is
  • • Pull an image
  • • Image and layers
  • • List images
  • Build Dockerfile
  • • Manage tags

07. Dockerfile (theory 1h, practice 1h)

  • • Syntax
  • Instructions

08. Volumes (theory 1,8h, practice 1,2h)

  • • Docker storage types
  • • Bind mounts
  • Volumes
  • • Shadowing data
  • • Backups

09. Networking (theory 1,7h, practice 1h)

  • • Networking models
  • • Manage Docker networks
  • • None type network
  • • Bridge type network
  • • User-defined bridge type network
  • • Host type network

10. Compose (theory 1h, practice 3h)

  • • Advantages of docker-compose
  • • How to use docker-compose
  • • Project structure
  • Compose file syntax
  • • Compose cli basic commands
  • • File syntax: services, networks and volumes
  • • Cli: advanced commands
  • • File syntax: object names and project name
  • • File syntax: health checks and orchestration features

11. Internals *Bonus materials (theory 0,8h, demo 0,5h) (optional)

  • • Docker foundations: namespaces, cgroups, Cow
  • • Cgroup: memory, cpu, blkio, network, devices, freezer
  • • Namespaces: pid, network, mnt, managing, other
  • • Copy on write
  • DIY container demo

10. The End (theory 0,7h, practice 0,1h)

  • • What else in Docker
  • Conclusion

Total: theory 11,1h (52%), practice 10,2h (48%)

Schedule and prices
Code: ADM-019
Location: Online
Duration: 20 hours
Language: English
Time: 11:00-15:00
€ 550 *
Code: ADM-019
Location: Online
Duration: 20 hours
Language: English
Time: 17:00-19:30
€ 550 *
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