Programming with Scala

Programming with Scala

The course covers all the content that is necessary to effectively use Scala: operators and data types, using basic data structures such as arrays, map, tuples, the use of object-oriented and functional approach.

30 hours
Course type
30 hours
Schedule and prices
€ 650 *
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs
Programming with Scala
30 hours
Schedule and prices
€ 650 *
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs


In this course, participants will learn the specifics and features of the Scala language, its advantages and challenges.

The Scala programming language has been gaining popularity in recent years not only in the software development community, but also in enterprise development as well. Its benefits include the use of the most advanced features of contemporary programming languages and extensive support of functional programming.

Scala offers programmers an opportunity to improve development efficiency and create a very expressive and efficient code. Scala code is compiled to Java byte code and runs inside the JVM, which provides excellent compatibility with existing Java libraries and tools.

The course covers all the content that is necessary to effectively use Scala: operators and data types, using basic data structures such as arrays, map, tuples, the use of object-oriented and functional approach, working with collections, pattern matching, case-classes, generics and implicit conversions. It also include a large number of practical exercises.

After completing the course, a certificate
is issued on the Luxoft Training form


Introduce developers to the Scala programming language.

Target Audience

The course is designed for Java developers but other full-featured language developers (such as C++, C#, etc.) are also eligible.


Knowledge of the contemporary OOP programming language is required. Java knowledge is desirable.


Scala introduction

Scala instructions, operators and types

  • Conditional statements
  • Loops
  • Functions
  • Variables
  • Operators
  • Unit type
  • Function type
  • Null, Nothing, Any, AnyRef and AnyVal types
  • Packages and imports
  • Implicit imports
  • Exceptions

Arrays, maps, tuples

  • Creation, adding and removing array elements
  • Access to Array Elements
  • Arrays of fixed and variable length
  • Multidimensional Arrays
  • Operations with arrays
  • Sorting an array
  • Creating and accessing the associative tables
  • Iteration, changing and sorting of associative tables
  • Tuples
  • Zipping

Classes and Inheritance

  • Classes
  • Properties with getters and setters
  • Use parentheses method calls
  • Properties with only getters
  • Auxiliary constructors
  • The primary constructor
  • Nested classes
  • Extending the class
  • Overriding methods
  • Type check and cast
  • Call the superclass constructor
  • Overriding fields
  • Anonymous subclasses
  • Abstract fields
  • Constructor order and early definitions
  • Scala Inheritance Hierarchy
  • Objects equality


  • Singletons
  • Companion Objects
  • Objects extending a class or trait
  • Enumerations
  • Packages objects
  • Apply and unapply methods
  • Lazy objects


  • Traits as interfaces
  • Traits with a specific implementation
  • Redefine the abstract methods in the Traits
  • Concrete and abstract fields in Traits
  • Objects that use multiple Traits
  • Trait construction order
  • Initializing Trait fields
  • Traits extending classes
  • Self-types


  • Functions as values
  • Default arguments and named arguments
  • Functions without a return value
  • Anonymous functions
  • Functions with Function as parameter
  • Closures
  • Functional Interfaces
  • Currying
  • Passing function as a parameter in the block of code
  • Using return


  • Traits collections in Scala: Map, Set and Seq
  • Mutable and immutable collections
  • Sequences
  • Lists
  • Mutable lists
  • Sets
  • Operators for working with collections
  • Standard methods for working with collections
  • Use map, reduce, fold and scan functions
  • Zipping
  • Iterators
  • Data Streams
  • Threadsafe Collections
  • Parallel collections
  • Interaction with Java collections

Pattern matching

  • Pattern matching as a better switch
  • Guards
  • The variables in patterns
  • Type patterns
  • Matching arrays, lists and tuples
  • Regular expressions
  • Extractors
  • Patterns in variable declarations
  • Patterns in for expressions

Case classes, Option type and partial functions

  • Сase classes
  • Copy method and named parameters
  • Sealed classes
  • Option type
  • Partial functions


  • Generic сlasses
  • Generic functions
  • Type variance
  • Upper and lower type bounds
  • Use _ for type

Implicit conversions

  • Using implicit keyword to define implicit type
  • Import and use of implicit conversions
  • Implicit parameters


Schedule and prices
Code: JVA-031
Location: Online
Duration: 30 hours
Language: English
Time: 10:00-14:00
Trainer Denys Zamyatin
€ 650 *
Code: JVA-031
Location: Online
Duration: 30 hours
Language: English
Time: 10:00-14:00
Trainer Zamyatin Zamyatin, Denys
. . .
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