Java Advanced II: High Performance Java

Java Advanced II: High Performance Java

This course focuses on improving the performance of Java applications: identifying bottlenecks, approaches / methods for improving performance, and tools / libraries to achieve high performance.

Czas trwania
40 hours
Typ kursu
Czas trwania
40 hours
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Java Advanced II: High Performance Java
Czas trwania
40 hours
€ 850 *
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb


This course focuses on improving the performance of Java applications. The training covers various approaches to profiling, finding bottlenecks, tuning a virtual machine, setting JVM flags, serialization and caching libraries, off-heap data storage, benchmarking, memory monitoring / tuning, and other topics.

Po ukończeniu kursu na formularzu Luxoft Training
wydawany jest certyfikat


To introduce students to modern approaches for improving Java application performance.

Grupa docelowa

  • Java developers
  • Java architects

Warunki wstępne

Good knowledge of Java

Plan działania

Module 1: Performance tuning overview [6h]

  • Common practices
  • Tuning strategies
  • Performance metrics (latency, throughput, bandwidth)
  • How to improve performance
  • Tools for performance measurement
  • JMeter
  • Writing load tests with JMeter
  • How to improve database performance
  • How to improve performance via architecture: streams, queues, microservices, clouds
  • Common best practices for improving code performance [Homework 3h]

Module 2: GC algorithms [6h]

  • Usage of memory by Java objects
  • Common approaches and algorithms of garbage collectors
  • Serial GC garbage collector
  • Parallel GC garbage collector
  • CMS garbage collector
  • G1 garbage collector
  • Shenandoah garbage collector
  • Garbage collectors tuning
  • Instruments to gather metrics of garbage collection
  • How to select the optimal garbage collector

Module 3: HotSpot JIT compiler [5h]

  • JIT compilation
  • Java byte code
  • Tiered compilation
  • Code cache and tuning
  • Code optimizations
  • Code deoptimization (and when it happens)
  • JITWatch instrument to analyze compiling results
  • Types of optimization
  • Speculative optimizations
  • Compiler tuning
  • AOT compilation
  • GraalVM [Homework 2h]

Module 4: JVM flags [3h]

  • Purpose and categories of JVM flags
  • Common flags
  • String-related flags
  • Memory management flags
  • Safepoints and related flags
  • TLABs and related flags
  • JVM tuning plan

Module 5: Java benchmarking with JMH [2h]

  • What is benchmarking?
  • Introduction to JMH
  • API of JMH
  • Untrivial examples
  • JMH practice [Homework 2h]

Module 6: Using off-heap memory and efficient data structures [4h]

  • What is sun.misc.Unsafe?
  • Unsafe methods
  • Native memory performance
  • Creation of data structures in native memory
  • Measurements of performance of native memory (and comparison with memory on heap)
  • Primitive collections
  • Denormalization of data
  • Foreign Memory Access API [Homework 2h]
  • Module 7: Serialization and networking [3h]
    • JSON serializers (GSON, Jackson)
    • Binary serializers (Protobuf, Jackson Smile, Kryo, FST, One NIO)
    • Performance comparison of various serializators
    • Networking performance when connecting using various protocols: HTTP/REST, TCP, Async TCP, RSocket, Netty server/client

  • Module 8: Java profiling [5h]
    • When and how to do profiling
    • Sampling and instrumenting profilers
    • Using Java VisualVM for profiling
    • Profiling with Spring AOP
    • Profiling with IDEA and async profiler
    • Java Flight Recorder
    • Analysis of Java Flight Recorder logs using Mission Control
    • Create and log custom JFR events
    • Using Java agents injected into code (to record events in Java Flight Recorder)
    • Writing programs for automatic analysis of JFR logs
    • Collecting and analyzing SQL queries using JFR
    • Collecting and analyzing REST requests using JFR
    • Application Performance Management tools
    • Using Glowroot for SQL queries and REST requests profiling and analysis [Homework 2h]

    Module 9: Monitoring and analysis of heap data / Memory leaks [3 hours]

    • Tools for analyzing heap memory
    • Signs of memory leaks
    • Main causes of memory leaks
    • Search and detection of memory leaks
    • Weak and phantom references
    • IDEA tools to analyze heap dumps
    • Async profiler to analyze memory consumption
    • Using VisualVM profiler generations count to detect a memory leak
    • Using MissionControl/JFR for automatic memory leaks analysis
    • Eclipse Memory Analyser – denominators and heap analysis

    Module 10: Java caching [3 h]

    • Caching patterns
    • HTTP caching
    • Creating intermediate cache with nginx
    • Caching libraries configuration
    • Popular caching libraries: EhCache, Caffeine
    • Service level caching
    • Caching Spring Services
    • Input/Output bufferin
    • Processor caches and contiguous memory
    • JPA/Hibernate caching
    • Using caches on different layers of application

    Total: theory 40h (100%), homework 11h (+28%)

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