- Description of PL/SQL
Capabilities of PL/SQL
Advantages of using PL/SQL
Declaring Variables
- Anonymous PL/SQL block and its sections
Types of PL/SQL programming constructs
Defining and using PL/SQL variables
Declaring PL/SQL variables and constants
Executing PL/SQL block
Writing executable commands
- The executable section of the block
Rules for nested blocks
Executing and testing PL/SQL block
Using coding conventions
Interaction with Oracle® Server
- Features of SELECT-statement in PL/SQL block
Dynamic declaration of data types
Writing data manipulation statements (DML) in PL/SQL block
Transaction management in PL/SQL
Defining the output of DML statements
The use of control structures
- Types of control structures
Using the IF statement
Expressions and CASE statement
Various types of loops
Controlling handling using nested loops and labels
Using logical tables
Working with composite data types
- Creating user-defined PL/SQL records
Adding and updating tables using PL/SQL records. Associative arrays
Using Cursors
- Differences between implicit and explicit cursor
Statements for handling explicit cursor
Explicit cursor attributes
FOR loop for the cursor
Cursors with parameters
Using FOR UPDATE in the definition of the cursor
Cursors with subqueries
Exception handling
- Defining PL/SQL exceptions
Propagation of unhandled exceptions
Types of PL/SQL exception handlers
Interception of non-predefined exceptions
Exception propagation in nested blocks
Generation of custom PL/SQL error messages
Creating stored procedures and functions
- Creating and calling a procedure
Getting information about procedures and deleting procedures
Creating and calling functions
Getting information about the functions and deleting functions
Working with packages
- Package structure
Package design: header and body
Creating packages
Advantages of using packages
Using Triggers
- The principle of operation
Types of triggers
Creating table level triggers