Development with Java® SE. extended

During the course, participants will get the advanced knowledge and skills needed for development on the Java SE platform. The course covers system library essential classes and the basics of software design. This enables participants to act not only as coders, but software designers as well.
  • duration 40 hours
  • Language English
  • format Online
40 hours
€ 900 *

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Welcome to "Development with Java SE: Extended," your gateway to mastering advanced Java development techniques and principles. Building upon the foundational knowledge acquired in our beginner-level course, this comprehensive program is designed to equip participants with the skills and expertise needed to excel in Java software development. Through a blend of theory, practical exercises, and real-world case studies, participants will delve into the intricacies of Java SE, exploring essential system library classes, mastering multithreading, and leveraging advanced language features introduced in Java 8.


In this course, participants will:

  • Explore advanced Java features, including essential system library classes and multithreading concepts.
  • Dive into the new features introduced in Java 8, such as lambda expressions, streams, and the Date and Time API.
  • Master software design principles and best practices for developing robust and scalable Java applications.
  • Engage in hands-on exercises, coding challenges, and real-world case studies to reinforce learning.


By the end of this course, participants will:

  • Gain a deep understanding of essential system library classes and their usage in real-world Java applications.
  • Master multithreading concepts and techniques, enabling the development of concurrent and scalable Java programs.
  • Leverage advanced language features introduced in Java 8, including lambda expressions, streams, and the Date and Time API, to write elegant and efficient code.
  • Develop proficiency in software design principles and best practices, enabling the creation of robust, maintainable, and scalable Java applications.
  • Apply learned skills and knowledge to real-world scenarios through hands-on exercises and coding challenges.
  • Enhance their employability and career prospects as proficient Java developers.


Join us on this transformative journey into the advanced realms of Java development. Whether you're a seasoned developer seeking to expand your skill set or an aspiring Java enthusiast eager to take your programming prowess to the next level, this course offers the perfect opportunity to elevate your Java proficiency and unlock new possibilities in software development.

After completing the course, a certificate is issued on the Luxoft Training form


    After completion of the course, participants will be able to:

    1. Use system library essential classes in their applications: System, Math, Object, strings, wrappers;
    2. Work with input-output from applications;
    3. 3. Control threads in applications;
    4. Work with standard class collections;
    5. 5. Use Reflection mechanisms;
    6. 6. Use annotations in applications;
    7. Use Java 8 lambdas in applications;
    8. Use Java 8 streams in applications;
    9. Work with the Java 8 Date and Time API.

Target Audience

    • Junior Java developers with knowledge of Java syntax and OOP (or those who have attended JVA-007)
    • Middle Java developers who want to structure the knowledge of standard JDK libraries (I/O, collections, multithreading, data streams, etc.)


Experience in JavaSE development


  1. System Library Essential Classes: theory 2 h, practice 2 h
  • System
  • Math
  • Object
  • Strings
  • Primitive Wrapper Class
  • Working with Regular Expressions
  • Properties

2. Input-Output: theory 3 h, practice 5 h

    • I/O class library
    • Networking
    • Formatting Output

    3. Threads: theory 3 h, practice 7 h

      • Thread
      • Thread control
      • Critical sections
      • Thread control in critical section
      • Synchronization primitives library java.util.concurrent

      4. Collections: theory 1.5 h, practice 3.5 h

        • Overview of collection API
        • Collections
        • Set
        • Map
        • Applicability of various data structures in different situations
        • Collection elements comparison mechanism
        • Synchronized and unsynchronized collections
        • The Reflection API: theory 0.5 h, practice 0.75 h
          • Creating new class instances with the Reflection API
          • Introspection on class fields
          • Introspection on class methods

          6. Annotations: theory 0.5 h, practice 1 h

            • Using Annotations
            • Standard Annotations
            • Custom Annotations

            7. Java 8 Lambda Expressions: theory 1.75 h, practice 1 h

              • Introduction to “Lambda Expressions”
              • The lambda syntax
              • Functional interfaces
              • Method references
              • Constructor references

              8. Streams and Collectors: theory 1.5 h, practice 3.5 h

              • Introduction: map / filter / reduce
              • What is a « Stream »
              • Patterns to build a Stream
              • Operations on a Stream
              • Optionals
              • Collectors

              9. Java 8 Date and Time API: theory 0.75 h, practice 1.75 h

              • Problems with Date and Time classes in Java 7
              • Design Principles of Java 8 Date and Time API
              • Java 8 Date Time classes
              • Java 8 Date Time enums
              • Period and duration
              • Date API utilities
              • Temporal adjusters

              Total: theory 14,5h (36%), practice 25,5h (64%)

              Oleksandr Holota
              • Trainer

              Oleksandr Holota

              Big Data and ML Trainer

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