1. Introduction to High-Performance Systems (2.5h):
a. Definitions, Performance Management, Error Cost Analysis, Performance Model
2. Requirements Analysis for High-Performance Systems (1.5h, Practice: 1h):
a. Identifying Non-functional Requirements, Requirement Completeness
3. Architectural Tactics and Performance (1.5h):
a. Tactics for Mass Service Systems (MSS)
4. System Design for High Performance (Theory: 2h, Practice: 1h):
a. Quality Attributes, Balancing CAP and PACELC, Scalability with Amazon Dynamo DB
5. Classical Performance Approaches (2h):
a. Reasons for Performance Loss, Improvement Methods, Scaling Principles
b. Practice: System Scaling and Map-Reduce Transformation (2h)
6. High-Performance Patterns (5h):
a. GRASP, Architecture Patterns, Integration Patterns, Practical Use Cases
7. High-Performance Coding (2h):
a. Code Optimization Techniques, Compiler and Runtime Optimization
8. Testing High-Performance Systems (2h):
a. Types of Tests, Scenario Preparation, Analyzing Results
9. SPE Methodology (1h, Practice: 1h):
System Performance Evaluation, Assessing Hardware and Architectural Impact