Module 1. Introduction
- Why python?
- Executing Python Code
- Execution model variations
- Running python scripts
- Very basic control structures
- Function syntax
- Debugging python scripts
- Modules/packages
Module 2. Basic types
- Basic types: numeric
- Basic types: strings
- String type
- Lab 1: Simple scripts
Module 3. Sequence types
- Sequence types
- List/sequence functions
- The dictionary type
- Using set/frozenset type
- Other sequence types/functions
Module 4. I/O operations
- Basic file operations
- Path operations
- Communicate with external processes
- Parsing command line arguments
Module 5. Additional control structures
- context manager and with/as
- comprehensions
- creating generator functions
Lab 2: Scripts with sequence types
Module 6. Regular expressions in Python
- Regular expression elements
- Use cases for flags
- Additional features in regular expressions
Lab 3: Regular expressions
Module 7. Python development tools
- Document your code
- Testing frameworks
- Logging in python
- Parallel processing
Module 8. Advanced topics
Module 9. Object oriented programming in Python
- OOP basics
- Member functions
- Member attributes
- Operators
- Class/function decorators
- Python class template
Lab 4: Python OO
Module 10. Python Database API
- Connecting to DB API compliant Relational Database
Management Systems
Module 11. Creating graphical user interfaces using
- Python/Tkinter
- Tkinter widgets and their standard attributes ◦Dimensions
- Organizing widgets in the parent widget area
Module 12. Intorduction to the Python Django WEB
- application framework
- Architecture
- Creating a Hello world project
- Managing settings
Lab 5: Using frameworks