Test automation - advanced

Page Object is the most popular solution for Web test automation because when it is implemented in the framework it helps save time on any changes in the framework, increases test transparency and offers an easy to use API for test suits.
  • duration 16 hours
  • Language English
  • format Online
16 hours
€ 240 *

Available sessions

To be determined

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Page Object is the most popular solution for Web test automation because when it is implemented in the framework it helps save time on any changes in the framework, increases test transparency and offers an easy to use API for test suits.

It is a simple and reliable approach of organizing your code to increase the level of maintainability, mobility and reliability of tests. During the training participants will practice using various frameworks such Selenide, Serenity, HTML Element, Fluentlenium.
After completing the course, a certificate is issued on the Luxoft Training form


  • Advantages and weak points of Page Object
  • How to apply and use Page Object
  • Seting up frameworks using Selenide, Serenity, HTML Element, Fluentlenium
  • Creating automated tests
  • JBahave and Serenity

Target Audience

  • Automation test engineers
  • Software development engineers
  • Test managers 


Expertise in
  • Java and OOP
  • Selenium WebDriver
  • Test automation experience 


  • Classes organisation 
  • WebElements wrapping 
  • Logging 
  • Test suites organisation 
  • Selenide’s structure 
  • Practice 
  • Serenity’s structure 
  • Practice 
  • Introduction to BDD 
  • Serenity + Jbehave Structure 
  • Practice 
  • HTML elements Structure 
  • Practice 
  • Fluentlenium Structure 
  • Practice 

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