Luxoft Training


Weapons of Math Destruction

We live in a time where technology is progressing at an outstanding pace. High tech and Big Data increasingly influence our daily life. But is this influence always positive? Are new technologies making our world better, more comfortable to live in and fairer, or is maybe everything going the opposite way? These questions arise as you read the book by Cathy O’Neil Weapons of Math Destruction: How Big Data Increases Inequality and Threatens Democracy.

Demystifying the Java language

Programming has always been a challenging field where those who want to stay at the top of their game have to be up to date with the latest innovations and trends in the industry. Because the best work is always done by those who continuously sharpen their skills.
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Strategies to Close Cross-Cultural Gaps

The Internet seems to be the perfect channel for finding business opportunities and connecting people and ideas across the world, but accessing it won’t guarantee you the massive results you dreamed of. According to the International Labor Organization (2009), 70% of cross-boundaries business ventures fail due to cultural differences.

Architecture, refactoring or what’s really important

In the life cycle of every project there is a moment when the question of refactoring arises. Engineers want something new, fashionable, and interesting to appear in the project. The business needs to get a new functionality faster and faster. And the project team say they get tired of making changes and need refactoring. Does it sound familiar?
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