Luxoft Training


Dreyfus, Agile and other scary words

There is a great programmer out there named Andy Hunt. He is primarily known as the author of a remarkable book entitled The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. But some know him as one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, and the author of another interesting book "Pragmatic Thinking and Learning: Refactor Your Wetware".

Ideal code

We often here about the ideal (or perfect) code. However, what is a perfect code? Has anyone seen it? From my point of view an ideal code is a code that meets all the software and programming requirements and standards. It also involves the best development practices and techniques.
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Testing strategy – what should it contain?

A testing strategy is a relatively small static document that precedes the test plan. Before you write a lengthy and detailed plan you must first formalize some basic approaches to testing and ensure that all stakeholders understand what will be tested and how they will be tested.

Fixie – Testing by Agreement

Some time ago I came across a tweet that someone I know started using a new open-source testing framework Fixie and was very pleased with it. He was so happy that he even decided to revise all of the tests in the current project for the new engine. After this, I just could not stand by and had to look at what this thing is, and why it makes others happy.

Overview of C# 6.0

There have been a lot of articles written about the new features of C # but I also want to contribute with a few of my own which I believe are important.

What are soft skills?

Whenever we talk about project management in particular and management success in general we have to talk about one of the fundamental terms – soft skills. Soft skills is a collective term that refers to a set of behaviors that help people work and socialize successfully. In short, soft skills are good manners and personality traits needed to interact with others and build a good relationship with them.
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Using email in a virtual team

Historically, many virtual teams have relied on e-mail as one of the main channels for asynchronous communication. Although now there is a tendency to transition from e-mail to more high tech tools, it is, nevertheless, still very much used in day to day communication. According to leaders around 80% of the questions they receive are not urgent and can be addressed by e-mail. Another 15% can be solved with chat or instant messaging, and the remaining 5% are solved over the phone.

Working in different time zones

Nowadays a lot of software development teams are globally located which means that project managers have to learn to work with people who live in different countries and cities. Each country tends to have its own work calendars and holidays, cities can be located in different time zones and all this means a lot of challenges when it comes to coordinating a team.
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