GNU/Linux Administration

GNU/Linux Administration
Czas trwania
20 hours
Typ kursu
Czas trwania
20 hours
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb
GNU/Linux Administration
Czas trwania
20 hours
€ 496 *
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb


The course will allow the attendees to acquire knowledge necessary for efficient Linux administration.
Po ukończeniu kursu na formularzu Luxoft Training
wydawany jest certyfikat


The course is designed for system administrators who want to use Unix and GNU/Linux systems professionally.
After the course the attendees will be able to use Unix systems for solving those problems, in which these systems are traditionally the most effective.
The course satisfies the requirements of LPI-1 certification.

Grupa docelowa

The course is designed for system administrators who plan to use Unix and GNU/Linux systems in their professional activities.

Warunki wstępne

The minimum required for this course is experience of using GNU/Linux, Solaris or Mac OS X at the user level.

Plan działania

  1. System architecture of UNIX and GNU/Linux
    1. Hardware detection and configuration
    2. System loading
    3. Changing load levels, stopping or restarting the system
    4. Using package managers like Debian GNU/Linux and Red Hat
    5. Creating, monitoring and removing users and user’s groups
  2. GNU and Linux commands
    1. Working in command line
    2. Handling text streams using filters
    3. File management
    4. Using streaming and redirecting
    5. Creating, monitoring and removing processes
    6. Changing priorities of process execution
    7. Searching text files using regular expressions
    8. Editing text files in vi editor
  3. Devices, file systems and standard file systems
    1. Partitioning and file system creation
    2. Maintaining file system integrity
    3. Managing file system mounting/dismounting
    4. Managing users’ disk quota
    5. User access control
    6. Creating and editing hard and symbolic links
    7. Looking up for system files and their proper location
  4. Shells, scenarios and data management
    1. Configuring and using shell environment
    2. Customizing and creating simple scenarios
  5. Basic system services
    1. Setting system time
    2. Logging
    3. Introduction to mail services
    4. Printer management and printing
  6. Basics of networking
    1. Basics of TCP/IP protocol
    2. Basic network configuration
    3. Solving the most common network problems
    4. Configuring DNS on client side
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