IntelliJ IDEA in Depth

IntelliJ IDEA in Depth

During the course, the participants will acquire advanced knowledge and skills needed to develop programs effectively and efficiently using IntelliJ IDEA.

The course covers four modules, analyzing in-depth details of features that help accelerate the development speed and analyze the project code and functionalities.

Czas trwania
16 hours
Typ kursu
Czas trwania
16 hours
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IntelliJ IDEA in Depth
Czas trwania
16 hours
€ 450 *
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb


Welcome to the "IntelliJ IDEA in Depth" course, designed for developers looking to master advanced features of IntelliJ IDEA. This course offers an in-depth exploration of IntelliJ IDEA’s capabilities, focusing on debugging, testing, source control, build tools, profiling, memory analysis, plugins, and support for Spring, JPA, databases, and REST.

This course is divided into four comprehensive modules, each focusing on a specific set of advanced features and tools in IntelliJ IDEA.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Debug and test Java applications using advanced features.
  • Integrate and manage projects with Git, GitHub, Maven, and Gradle.
  • Perform detailed profiling and memory analysis.
  • Use and manage IntelliJ IDEA plugins.
  • Develop and manage Spring, JPA, database, and REST projects efficiently.

Enroll in "Introduction to IntelliJ IDEA" to unlock the full potential of IntelliJ IDEA for Java development. This course offers a balanced mix of theory and practical exercises, ensuring you gain the necessary skills to develop, debug, test, and manage Java projects efficiently.

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Improve Java development skills by analyzing the support provided by IntelliJ IDEA.

Grupa docelowa

Intermediate and senior Java developers

Plan działania

1 [Theory – 1h: Practice – 3h] Debugging and Testing

  • Debugging
  • Advanced Debugging Features
  • Testing
  • Testing with JUnit
  • Testing with Cucumber

2 [Theory – 1h: Practice – 3h] Source Control and Build Tools

  • Working with Git
  • Working with GitHub
  • Working with Maven
  • Working with Gradle

3 [Theory – 1h: Practice – 2h] Profiling, Memory Analysis, Plugins

  • Profiling
  • Memory Analysis
  • Plugins

4 [Theory – 1h: Practice – 4h] Support for Spring, JPA, Databases, REST

  • Support for Spring
  • Spring Inversion of Control
  • Integration with Spring Boot Actuator
  • Support for JPA projects
  • Support for working with databases
  • Support for REST projects
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