Introduction to IDEF0 Business Process Modeling Methodology

Introduction to IDEF0 Business Process Modeling Methodology
Czas trwania
8 hours
Typ kursu
Czas trwania
8 hours
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Introduction to IDEF0 Business Process Modeling Methodology
Czas trwania
8 hours
€ 248 *
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The IDEF0 standard describes methodology of structural analysis and business projects design. It puts forward a well-designed approach to describing relationships between separate functions executed in business environment, as well as convenient graphical notation for modeling such relationships. The standard has been in use for many years but it still remains up-to-date and is widely used across the countries.

The course is primarily aimed at business and system analysts, who have to analyze current state of business processes and elaborate automation and/or reengineering solutions. Moreover, the course will be of help to specialists (from client or from manufacturer side) engaged with verification and further processing of models created by business analysts.

This course is somewhat different from other our courses dealing with modeling done within the software development. You won’t learn about object-oriented approach, data structures, and classes here. However, a great deal of the course is dedicated to the structural analysis and to the development of functional business models. IDEF0 provides more detailed description to these rules as compared to other standards and can be successfully applied to create any models.
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wydawany jest certyfikat


  • Demonstrate the importance of functional business modeling in projects on business processes automation.
  • Understand when exactly IDEF0 notation modeling shall be used: its advantages and limitations.
  • Understand the purpose and rules for using of IDEF0 model elements.
  • Learn to develop and interpret functional IDEF0 models.
  • Learn the ways to identify input and output entities, resources and regulations, rules of functional decomposition of business processes.

Grupa docelowa

  • Business analysts;
  • System analysts;
  • Analyst team leaders;
  • Project managers;
  • Customer’s representatives.

Warunki wstępne

It is recommended to have an experience in software development projects and experience in analyzing domain area.

Plan działania

  • Business process modeling;
  • IDEF0 model elements, their business meaning and graphical representation;
  • Structure of IDEF0 model, functional decomposition principles;
  • Completing diagrams, structure of standard diagram form;
  • Development of IDEF0 model.
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