Basic Networking

Basic Networking
The main areas we cover focus on the evolution and principles of networking, the basic notions used in this domain, various types of equipment as well as a description and general information of basic networking protocols.
Czas trwania
8 hours
Typ kursu
Czas trwania
8 hours
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Basic Networking
Czas trwania
8 hours
€ 250 *
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb


This networking training course describes the basic networking elements and how they are used in practice. The main areas we cover focus on the evolution and principles of networking, the basic notions used in this domain, various types of equipment as well as a description and general information of basic networking protocols.

We concentrate on practical examples which provide configuration commands, packet captures and give participants a real feel of how to build a simple network. They will be encouraged to show their understanding by answering questions and debating the issues and solutions that they might have encountered when working with networks.
Po ukończeniu kursu na formularzu Luxoft Training
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  • Explain the notions used in networking
  • Present the mechanisms that are used to send, receive and forward packets
  • Give a basic presentation of a few of the more complex protocols that are usually found in networks
  • Learn to differentiate between various networking devices and how to configure them (simple configurations)
  • See what tools can be used for debugging and for solving simple challenges

Grupa docelowa

  • Developers and testers that need basic networking knowledge

Warunki wstępne


Plan działania

  • History of telecommunications: evolution of communication over long distances
  • Basic telecommunication notions: definitions and presentation of terms used in this domain
  • OSI and TCP/IP models: differences between the two models and their practical application
  • Parallel between the two most common transport protocols TCP and UDP
  • Ethernet: MAC & VLAN Particularities: what MAC means, how it is used in switching, what broadcast MAC and multicast MAC mean
  • STP: how to prevent loops into a network
  • Ethernet Lab Demo: basic VLAN configurations, configure STP and observe STP packets
  • IPv4: what IP means, how it is used in routing, IPv4 addressing modes
  • ARP: how to discover devices from your network
  • ICMP: how to detect and report issues
  • DHCP: how to get an IP for a device
  • IPv4 Lab Demo: basic IP configuration between multiple hosts; verify the connection between hosts and observe the ARP and ICMP packets
  • Routing Table: how to forward packets to different networks, and how to control the flows
  • Routing Lab Demo: configure static routes and default gateway between multiple subnets
  • Host Table and DNS: how to discover devices over Internet
  • IPv6: explain the need for IPv6 protocol, representation of an IPv6 address and addressing modes
  • Transition between IPv4 and IPv6: presentation of the mechanisms used for transition
  • IPv6 Lab Demo: basic IPv6 configuration between multiple hosts
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