Luxoft Training

[249] JUnit 5 – new approach, new functionalities. Part 2
In the second part of our article on JUnit 5 – new approach, new functionalities we look at how to make the transition to JUunit 5. Happy reading.

[250] JUnit 5 – new approach, new functionalities. Part 3
Junit has more assertion type methods than Junit 4. Several have been added and they work very well together with the lambda expressions in Java 8. All these types of methods are static and come from the org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions cla

[251] SAFe. The world's leading framework for scaling Agile
This article about Agile software development processes will start with a reference to probably the biggest problem left (as yet) unsolved for 21st century science. It will be appealing and entertaining maybe for the part of you who still t

[252] JUnit 5 – new approach, new functionalities. Part 4
The last article in our series on JUnit 5 and its new functionalities. Hope you enjoyed the first three articles.

[253] SAFe. Vision and Strategy.
The first example taken into consideration is not an easy one to be acknowledged and understood. And it is even harder to be put in practice. Actually it might be the hardest and most complex situation an organization is facing.

[233] JUnit 5 – Assertions and Assumptions (Part 2)
The second part of our article on assertions and assumptions in JUnit 5. This time we are looking at assumptions.

[234] Some Useful Habits of a Leader. Part 2
Time for the second part of our article on some of the useful habits that a leader should have. Check it out.

[235] Some Useful Habits of a Leader. Part 3
The last part of our article on useful habits a leader can have. Enjoy.

[236] Using the Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram in Organizational Transformations
What I want to emphasize before digging deeper is the fact that in order to use tools and techniques from psychology, one must first understand oneself and sort oneself out. As Jordan B. Peterson says, set you house in perfect order before

[237] Using the Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram in Organizational Transformations. Part 2
The second part of our article on how to manage organizational transformations through the use of the Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram (CCD).

[238] Regular Management in an IT Team
You might have thought at some point why some managers can get everything right: employees understand them immediately, they do all their tasks, come up with proposals if something goes wrong and so on. Yet another manager, who may have the

[239] When a Shadow covers Agile
In my previous posts I described how the Personal Shadow of a manager can inhibit an Agile transformation process in organizations (though I didn’t use the word “Shadow”). Here I would like to discuss the idea of the Shadow in organizationa

[240] Regular Management in an IT Team. Part 2
Let us continue our article on regular management as well as the comparison with a child cleaning his room.

[241] The Test Automation Pyramid
The test automation pyramid proposed by Mike Cohn can help you find the best approach to test automation.

[242] Luxoft Training takes part in Bucharest Technology Week
Already on its fourth edition, Bucharest Technology Week is a one-week festival taking part across the city. It celebrates the power of technology and is dedicated to tech lovers of all ages, whether they are students, business professional

[243] BDD as a programming technique - webinar recording
Check out our webinar recording where we talked about BDD as a programming technique.

[221] Questions – the main tool for managers
Most of you have probably heard in one way or another about “coaching.” Want to achieve more – find a coach; want to realize your inner potential – find a coach... If you search for the word “coach” on google, you’ll get a lot of links to v

[222] When a Manager is not Agile (but thinks he is) – part 2
Let’s continue our article on how we should approach a situation where the manager is not aware he is hurting the team.

[223] Questions – the main tool for managers. Part 2
Let’s continue our discussion on how a manager can successfully use questions to improve the way he manages.

[224] Why a Product Owner needs courage
I had a conversation with Steve Porter from on dysfunctional interactions between the Product Owner and the Development Team in Scrum. This discussion reminded me of an idea that I learned from Jordan B. Peterson that real trust i

[225] Developing TDD applications with Junit 5 – webinar video
Check out the recording of our Junit 5 webinar, where we discuss about Test Driven Development principles and the importance of developing software in the TDD style.

[226] On zero refinement in Scrum
My friend Steve Porter recently twitted on Product Backlog refinement: “Refinement isn’t an event in Scrum. It’s a concept. It’s not mandatory and there are no hard and fast rules for when and how much. Zero refinement is acceptable, as is

[227] Marcus Aurelius on how to implement Scrum
I teach participants what Agile values and principles are, what Scrum is and what it is not, about the Growth mindset, team-based organizations, collaboration, frequent customer feedback and customer value maximization. I usually get the sa

[228] Remember the ignorance
I recently had a very interesting conversation with Steve Porter from We discussed a Scrum team where developers are not pulling their work themselves. Instead, it’s a senior developer who, during the Daily Scrum, selects which P

[229] Luxoft Training is an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider
For over 10 years Luxoft Training has been offering professionals the tools and opportunities to maximize their performance as business analysts or to start a career in this field.

[230] Most popular courses in 2018
Last year we looked at the most popular courses in 2017. This year we want to continue the tradition and let you know which were the most sought after courses in 2018 for our locations in Romania and Poland.

[231] JUnit 5 – Assertions and Assumptions. Part 1
Abstract: JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. The JUnit 5 version has been redesigned to solve some particular problems of the previous versions. It comes with a new architecture, and with a lot of new featu

[232] Some Useful Habits of a Leader
A few months ago I facilitated a training session (tailored by myself) for team leads centered around “Useful Habits of a Leader.”. I believe that this theme could be of interest not only for team leads in IT companies but also for anyone w

[208] Trust in the Team. What influences trust
We’ll start from the factor that generally help building trust or things that can influence it.

[209] Trust in the Team. How trust develops.
Let’s have a look at Tuckman's stages of group development and find out how trust should form within a team. What should a manager in order to go through this process faster and more efficiently?

[210] Trust in the Team. Maintaining trust
To conclude our talk about trust, I would like to dwell on the main rules to be followed by the manager for building and maintaining a trust-based working environment within the project.

[211] Make your meetings great (again)
When we think about changing organizational culture, what comes to mind first is a big project, involving an enormous amount of efforts on all organizational levels. But that is not always true.

[212] Why Scrum does not work (and what can we do about it)
Scrum is the most popular agile framework. Period. If we look at VersionOne 11th State of Agile report, Scrum is practiced by 58% of respondents (68% if we sum up Scrum and Scrum/XP hybrid). Among scaling frameworks Scrum dominates: while S

[213] What an Agile Coach Can Learn from a Psychologist
I’ve been recently thinking about popular Agile frameworks and approaches to Agile transformation. It seems to me that they are too mechanistic, and this seems to me one of the reasons why many organizational transformation processes fail.

[214] Luxoft Training talks Hibernate
Check out our presentation on Hibernate at an event organized by Today Software Magazine. Happy reading.

[215] Luxoft Training joins the Digital Revolution
Every October Bucharest plays host to one of the most important IT&C events in south eastern Europe, Internet and Mobile World. A two day event that focuses on technology and brings together some of the most important companies, profess

[216] JUnit 5 – New Architecture, New Features
The article would like to be a short introduction to JUnit 5, to provide the reader the possibility to understand the new architecture and new capabilities and to be able to explore further.

[217] JUnit 5 – usage and first test
How to use JUnit 5 in a Java project, differences between JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 and testing with JUnit5.

[218] JUnit 5 – features
The third and last article of our three part serieson JUnit. This time we look at its features.

[219] V for Vendetta (and A for Agile)
This post in some ways extends on my article about Why Scrum does not work (and what can we do about it).

[220] When a Manager is not Agile (but thinks he is)
Imagine you are an external Agile consultant invited to improve Scrum in a team. A product owner is a head of this department. Let’s call him Alex. Alex talks a lot about self-organization and business agility and then during Sprint plannin

[196] Android Legacy. Part 1
Hello, in today’s article I’m going to talk about legacy projects. So, imagine a situation: you got into an Android legacy project and the manager demanded an action plan from you. What follows is an approximate template that can be used fo

[197] Android Legacy. Part 2
In the first part of our article we started to look at a template we can use for Android legacy projects. Let’s continue our discussion on the issue.

[198] Preparing for the future at Bucharest Technology Week
Predicting the future is a challenging prospect but what we do know for sure is that technology will play a big part in it. The future was also the main theme behind this year’s edition of Bucharest Technology Week, the largest urban techno

[199] Remote Management. What? Why? How?
Aspiring managers often get scared when they are offered the opportunity to take over 2 or 3 new members (or a whole team) working in another location. 

[200] Remote Management. Trust
In our last article we talked about some of the common challenges that might appear when managing a distributed team. If you have a closer look at such situations and try to find something common about them, you will notice that they are al

[201] Luxoft Training adds Atlassian courses to training portfolio
Whether you are a programmer, software tester, project manager, business analyst or in any way involved in a large scale project, chances are you’ve worked or at least have heard about software solutions such as Jira or Confluence.

[202] Excluding the “Historical Reasons” Factor in Android Mobile Projects
Today I’m going to touch on the topic of refactoring, technical duty, and the “historical reasons” factor, or rather how to avoid it.

[203] Remote Management. Rules
Let’s now discuss some approaches that can be used by the manager in order to properly interact with distributed team members, make them understand what is expected from them and how to achieve it.

[204] Remote Management. Work Schedule
Set up a work schedule for all locations. This advice may seem silly – everyone has an employment contract where working hours are stated. Why set up a work schedule?

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