Luxoft Training

[780] Badiu

[781] Khizbullin

[748] Radu

[750] Rosu

[752] Wozniak

[756] Oancea

[757] Pomohaci

[758] Jedrychowski

[764] Vaduva

[765] Calin

[732] Pirvulescu

[734] Iancu

[737] Paulouski

[738] Usta

[741] Ryzhykh

[709] Kashpur

[711] Frujina

[714] Alexandru

[718] Mosmanu

[721] Cimpoeru

[726] Tomozeiu

[689] Simion

[690] Corduneanu

[697] Balasa

[698] Damian

[699] Jarocka

[702] Nikolov

[707] Bilica

[670] Saveliev

[675] Dudek

[653] Bruma

[654] Tanase

[621] Czerwinski

[627] Girdea

[630] Ionita

[631] Gordienkov

[609] Vasilescu

[618] Moise

[576] Krep

[549] Okhrimenko

[381] How to incrementally migrate the data from RDBMS to Hadoop using Sqoop Incremental Append technique?
In project we have faced this issue that we need to migrate the data from RDBMS to Hadoop incrementally. Арасhe Sqоор effiсiently trаnsfers dаtа between Hаdоор filesystem аnd relаtiоnаl dаtаbаses.

[370] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Comparing the performance of persisting entities
The last article in our series on object-relational mapping using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA.

[371] How to Apply MBTI in HR: Motivation for every day
Any manager knows that motivated employees are the key to any company’s success. Yet it’s very difficult to make sure that people, with completely different characters, views, and needs, will share the company’s goals and work together

[373] Check out our new courses
At Luxoft Training we’re never standing still, whether we are updating our current trainings or developing new ones. So, check out our most recent additions to the portfolio.

[365] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Persistence with Spring Data JPA
We're continuing our series on Object-relational Mapping Using JPA Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Happy reading.

[367] Non-working KPIs in IT: what they can cause and how to choose the right ones. Algorithm for creating KPIs
The second article about non-working KPI. We will look at how to create KPI’s that actually improve performance.

[354] Requirements. What do we need them for?
It might seem that requirements are the responsibility of analysts, not software testers. But that is not always the case.

[355] Procrastination
Procrastination is the situation where you negligently delay the process of getting something done, despite possible negative consequences. To some extent, procrastination is a familiar condition for all of us.

[357] Procrastination. Is There Anything Good about Procrastination?
Part two of our article on procrastination and how it impacts our daily lives.

[359] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Persistence with JPA
The second part of our article series on Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. This time we look at persistence with JPA.

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