Luxoft Training

[576] Krep

[378] Can We Use HDFS as Back-up Storage?
Have you ever thought of using something which is highly available for Backup Storage? I recently stаrted tо think аbоut hоw I соuld imрlement а self hоsted, sсаlаble, reliаble bасkend infrаstruсture.

[375] How to store data on browser using NoSQL IndexedDB?
IndexedDB is а lаrge-sсаle, NоSQL stоrаge system. It lets yоu stоre just аbоut аnything in the user’s brоwser. In аdditiоn tо the usuаl seаrсh, get, аnd рut асtiоns, IndexedDB аlsо suрроrts trаnsасtiоns.

[342] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? Part II. Reactivity
Reactive programming is one of the most popular trends nowadays. Learning this approach is a cumbersome process, especially if you do not have relevant materials. This article may serve as a kind of digest.

[331] Upgrade your skills with new courses from Luxoft Training
We’ve just developed a new batch of trainings for all you IT&C professionals out there. From AWS and Java to software testing and React.

[332] Smart Home: An Example of Development and Implementation. Part 3
In the final part of our series, I will share my experience of developing a smart home system. The first two parts described my approach to design and the process of developing a smart home solution.

[336] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? Node.js
In this article of our reactive programming in Java series we look at Node.js.

[323] Smart Home: An Example of Development and Implementation. Part 1
This series of articles will focus on the author’s experience in the development and implementation of a smart home system in a two-room apartment. It will present our approach to designing and developing a smart home system and demonstrate

[329] Risk Based Prioritization Approach – The Way to Provide maximum value in a short time frame. Part 2
The second part of our article on the risk-based prioritization. This time we look at the process and benefits of this approach.

[304] Growth Areas and Development Paths for Business Analysts. Part 2
We continue our discussion about the main qualities BA’s need to develop in order to successfully handle the new challenge this profession faces.

[287] Luxoft Training adds new courses to portfolio
At Luxoft Training we are constantly developing new solutions aimed at equipping IT&C professionals with the abilities they need to thrive in this environment.

[275] Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP
Abstract: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-based protocol that provides a reliable flow of data between two computers. It also provides a point-to-point channel for applications that require reliable communications. The J

[276] Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP. Part 2
The second article in our series on Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP.

[277] Java Networking. Working with Sockets – Webinar Recording
Check out our webinar recording on Java Networking.

[278] Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP. Part 3
Time for our third installment in the series. This time we look at the port scanner program.

[282] Java Networking. Building Client/Server Applications - Webinar Recording
Check out the video recording of our Java Networking. Building Client/Server Applications webinar.

[284] JUnit 5 Architecture
Abstract: This article discusses the new architecture of JUnit 5, the shortcomings of the previous JUnit 4 version, and how the modular approach changed things and the advantages it has come with. It also shows you how to migrate the JUnit

[265] DevOps courses from Luxoft Training
DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support. It is also characterized by operations staff making us

[272] Java Networking. Working with Sockets
We’re launching a new webinar on Java Networking. This webinar will show you how to develop simple Java networking applications with the help of sockets.

[254] Features of the Future: How Digitalization Influences the Social Sphere and Economics
Nobody would deny that the evolution of data processing computers and networks will lead and have already led to substantial changes in our society – in terms of social structure, art and science. 

[247] Tips for improving your skills when working in IT&C
IT professionals are constantly improving their skills, often through on-the-job training. As employees perform different functions, there will always be a need to extend their knowledge in one area or another.

[251] SAFe. The world's leading framework for scaling Agile
This article about Agile software development processes will start with a reference to probably the biggest problem left (as yet) unsolved for 21st century science. It will be appealing and entertaining maybe for the part of you who still t

[253] SAFe. Vision and Strategy.
The first example taken into consideration is not an easy one to be acknowledged and understood. And it is even harder to be put in practice. Actually it might be the hardest and most complex situation an organization is facing.

[234] Some Useful Habits of a Leader. Part 2
Time for the second part of our article on some of the useful habits that a leader should have. Check it out.

[239] When a Shadow covers Agile
In my previous posts I described how the Personal Shadow of a manager can inhibit an Agile transformation process in organizations (though I didn’t use the word “Shadow”). Here I would like to discuss the idea of the Shadow in organizationa

[241] The Test Automation Pyramid
The test automation pyramid proposed by Mike Cohn can help you find the best approach to test automation.

[242] Luxoft Training takes part in Bucharest Technology Week
Already on its fourth edition, Bucharest Technology Week is a one-week festival taking part across the city. It celebrates the power of technology and is dedicated to tech lovers of all ages, whether they are students, business professional

[230] Most popular courses in 2018
Last year we looked at the most popular courses in 2017. This year we want to continue the tradition and let you know which were the most sought after courses in 2018 for our locations in Romania and Poland.

[208] Trust in the Team. What influences trust
We’ll start from the factor that generally help building trust or things that can influence it.

[211] Make your meetings great (again)
When we think about changing organizational culture, what comes to mind first is a big project, involving an enormous amount of efforts on all organizational levels. But that is not always true.

[214] Luxoft Training talks Hibernate
Check out our presentation on Hibernate at an event organized by Today Software Magazine. Happy reading.

[215] Luxoft Training joins the Digital Revolution
Every October Bucharest plays host to one of the most important IT&C events in south eastern Europe, Internet and Mobile World. A two day event that focuses on technology and brings together some of the most important companies, profess

[216] JUnit 5 – New Architecture, New Features
The article would like to be a short introduction to JUnit 5, to provide the reader the possibility to understand the new architecture and new capabilities and to be able to explore further.

[196] Android Legacy. Part 1
Hello, in today’s article I’m going to talk about legacy projects. So, imagine a situation: you got into an Android legacy project and the manager demanded an action plan from you. What follows is an approximate template that can be used fo

[205] Excluding the “Historical Reasons” Factor in Android Mobile Projects. Continued
Time for part two of our article on Android Mobile Projects. Check it out.

[186] Strategies to Close Cross-Cultural Gaps
The Internet seems to be the perfect channel for finding business opportunities and connecting people and ideas across the world, but accessing it won’t guarantee you the massive results you dreamed of. According to the International Labor

[188] Lively ReactNative Brings Summer Colors into the “Bloody Enterprise”
In this article I would like to discuss Enterprise development. My articles are usually devoted to mobile development, and this one will deal with MobileEnterprise development. I believe that the best Enterprise solution for Mobile is React

[191] Weapons of Math Destruction
We live in a time where technology is progressing at an outstanding pace. High tech and Big Data increasingly influence our daily life. But is this influence always positive? Are new technologies making our world better, more comfortable to

[195] The most popular IT&C trainings in 2017
Interested in finding out which IT&C skills were most sought after last year? Well one of the best ways to find out is to look at the most popular courses requested by our clients.

[174] Time to upgrade at Internet & Mobile World
Every year Bucharest plays host to one of the most important IT&C events in Eastern Europe. Internet & Mobile World aims to build an important framework in Romanian industry for learning, networking and new business generation that

[176] The Art of Crafting Architectural Diagrams. Guidelines
In our first article we looked at how we can identify some of the challenges that arise when creating architectural diagrams – from color to mixing runtime and static elements to diagrams that might be too cluttered. Now let’s look at the g

[181] The Seven Deadly Sins of Making Presentations. Part 2.
In the first part of our article we looked at the first three deadly sins of a presentation: not defining a goal, looking at your presentation as a PPT document and lack of structure in your presentation. Let’s now look at the last four.

[158] Peer to Peer Executive Board Meetings
The services offer when it comes to the Learning and Development market seems huge – from online resources and workshops to training or coaching, just to name a few. Each one of them, inspired and developed based on different studies and ye

[159] Accessibility Testing: Color Blindness
Accessibility testing is one of the types of usability testing. Its purpose is to ensure that our product is user friendly and easy to use, including for people with various disabilities and peculiarities of perception. These can be problem

[160] Luxoft Training at Leaders Development Summit VIII
On the 30th of March Luxoft Training took part in the Leaders Development Summit event in Bucharest, one of the most important meeting point for business leaders in Romania. This year the theme of the event centered around democracy at wor

[162] Basel accords
The subject of financial market regulation has never been the type of subject which investors like, whether they are institutional or private.

[170] Agile Life Planning: Defining Goals
This article goes into details of the first stage of Agile Life Planning – making a list of high-level life goals. We shall, step by step, consider how to define and put your aspirations, dreams and ideas on paper and then transform them i

[145] The YAGNI Principle
Do OCP and DIP (of SOLID) violate the YAGNI principle? Let’s analyze this particular question in more detail.

[154] Gentlemen’s Set for a Mobile Project
This article is about things you cannot do without in the process of mobile application development. Below you will find an overview of required tools and approaches which will save your time for strategic tasks and help you not to get stuc

[155] Documentation in Pictures
Today I want to confess my faults as a programmer.

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