Luxoft Training

[299] Test Design – Readability versus Writeability
The growing interest in test automation is offset by the concern about risk. One of these risks is inadequate test design that can’t be used as the background for automated test scripts development and execution. Keep in mind, however, that

[300] Testing Applications with JUnit5 and EasyMock. Part 1
There are a lot of good projects already written to help us facilitate the usage of mock objects in our Java projects. In this series of articles, we’ll take a closer look on three of the most widely-used mock frameworks: EasyMock, JMock an

[301] Testing Applications with JUnit5 and EasyMock. Part 2
The second part of our article on testing applications with JUnit5 and EasyMock. This time we look at JUnit best practices, EasyMock object creation.

[302] Growth Areas and Development Paths for Business Analysts
What qualities and abilities do business analysts need in order to be successful at their job and stay relevant in the future.

[303] Testing Applications with JUnit5 and JMock. Part 1
There are a lot of good projects already written to help us facilitate the usage of mock objects in our Java projects. In this series of articles, we take a closer look on three of the most widely-used mock frameworks: EasyMock, JMock and M

[287] Luxoft Training adds new courses to portfolio
At Luxoft Training we are constantly developing new solutions aimed at equipping IT&C professionals with the abilities they need to thrive in this environment.

[288] JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 4
The 4th article in our series on JUnit 5 Architecture. We continue our discussions on the Rules vs the extension model and move our attention to the new JUnit 5 approach.

[289] JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 5
In this fifth article in our series we look at the CustomStatement class. Happy reading.

[290] JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 6
The last article in our series on JUnit 5 Architecture. We now turn our attention to the JUnit 5 approach. JUnit 5 allows similar effects as in the case of the JUnit 4 rules by introducing the own extensions.

[291] Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations
Implementing the migration from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 can be done step by step and, for a period of time, you may be working with a hybrid approach for mature projects. The article will compare the needed JUnit 4 and JUnit 5 dependencies.

[292] Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations. Part 2
The second article of our series on implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations when Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5. This time we look at needed dependencies.

[275] Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP
Abstract: TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is a connection-based protocol that provides a reliable flow of data between two computers. It also provides a point-to-point channel for applications that require reliable communications. The J

[276] Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP. Part 2
The second article in our series on Building Java Client/Server Applications with TCP.

[277] Java Networking. Working with Sockets – Webinar Recording
Check out our webinar recording on Java Networking.

[282] Java Networking. Building Client/Server Applications - Webinar Recording
Check out the video recording of our Java Networking. Building Client/Server Applications webinar.

[265] DevOps courses from Luxoft Training
DevOps is the practice of operations and development engineers participating together in the entire service lifecycle, from design through the development process to production support. It is also characterized by operations staff making us

[266] Shakespeare’s Macbeth and agile product management
Yesterday I watched Macbeth, a magnificent movie based on the cognominal tragedy by Shakespeare’s. Besides the fact that it is a beautiful movie (I really enjoyed it), I think that we can learn something about Agile product management from

[267] SAFe. Engagement and motivation
There are three key elements which contribute to people engagement and motivation when putting the financial factor aside. That is not to say that money is not a motivator but rather that they work in a different way than expected and shoul

[270] Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: replacing rules with the extension model. Part 3
In the third part of our article on JUnit we look at how we test with custom rules and extensions.

[271] Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: replacing rules with the extension model. Part 4
Check out another article in our installment on JUnit 4 Vs Junit 5.

[273] Luxoft Training is an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider
The International Institute of Business Analysis IIBA has renewed Luxoft Training’s status as an Endorsed Education Provider.

[274] Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: replacing rules with the extension model. Part 5
The last article in our series on JUnit 4 versus JUnit 5.

[254] Features of the Future: How Digitalization Influences the Social Sphere and Economics
Nobody would deny that the evolution of data processing computers and networks will lead and have already led to substantial changes in our society – in terms of social structure, art and science. 

[255] SAFe. Value Streams and Budgeting
The second example relates to one of the “scariest” aspects of traditional Project Management, namely the budget. When using traditional project management (Waterfall), it is scary at the beginning because it is hard to define and get the i

[257] SAFe. Flow of Epics and Epic Owners
Now that we are no longer discussing about project management, multiannual planning, work breakdown-structures, fixed plans, fixed scope and so on, how are the big initiatives being pushed to implementation and who takes care of their lifec

[259] GoTech World 2019 – Luxoft Training
Last week we had the opportunity to take part in GoTech World, a B2B event focused on tools and strategies that help businesses grow through online presence, digital marketing and software intelligence.

[260] SAFe. Exploring client needs. PM and PO role
In our previous article, we talked about Epics and the related processes. But companies have clients who need their needs to be implemented as fast as possible. Who manages all these requests? Who translates them into things which teams can

[262] SAFe. Continous Delivery Pipeline
The core target of all the configurations provided by SAFe is to create highly efficient factories with real production pipelines delivering a sustainable and continuous flow of value with the best economic output, in the shortest lead time

[263] Luxoft Training adds new Spring and Java courses to portfolio
The software development industry is always changing and adding new technologies or newer versions of existing technologies. We’ve worked with industry experts and professionals to develop trainings that can help you and your company be bet

[264] SAFe. Values and benefits
Every time you hear a discussion about the Agile delivery processes you also hear about principles and values. Part of these values can actually be seen as benefits gained when the framework implementation works, rather than something impos

[244] Can a three-year old girl learn Kanban principles?
In this article I would like to share my modest success story, which I hope might be useful for some of my readers.

[245] Professional Standards in IT
Whenever professional standards in the IT industry are brought up, the usual reaction is a counter question: How (and what for) can such a fast-changing industry be standardized? Should it be regulated at all? How can it work, especially if

[247] Tips for improving your skills when working in IT&C
IT professionals are constantly improving their skills, often through on-the-job training. As employees perform different functions, there will always be a need to extend their knowledge in one area or another.

[251] SAFe. The world's leading framework for scaling Agile
This article about Agile software development processes will start with a reference to probably the biggest problem left (as yet) unsolved for 21st century science. It will be appealing and entertaining maybe for the part of you who still t

[253] SAFe. Vision and Strategy.
The first example taken into consideration is not an easy one to be acknowledged and understood. And it is even harder to be put in practice. Actually it might be the hardest and most complex situation an organization is facing.

[234] Some Useful Habits of a Leader. Part 2
Time for the second part of our article on some of the useful habits that a leader should have. Check it out.

[235] Some Useful Habits of a Leader. Part 3
The last part of our article on useful habits a leader can have. Enjoy.

[236] Using the Cognitive Conceptualization Diagram in Organizational Transformations
What I want to emphasize before digging deeper is the fact that in order to use tools and techniques from psychology, one must first understand oneself and sort oneself out. As Jordan B. Peterson says, set you house in perfect order before

[238] Regular Management in an IT Team
You might have thought at some point why some managers can get everything right: employees understand them immediately, they do all their tasks, come up with proposals if something goes wrong and so on. Yet another manager, who may have the

[239] When a Shadow covers Agile
In my previous posts I described how the Personal Shadow of a manager can inhibit an Agile transformation process in organizations (though I didn’t use the word “Shadow”). Here I would like to discuss the idea of the Shadow in organizationa

[240] Regular Management in an IT Team. Part 2
Let us continue our article on regular management as well as the comparison with a child cleaning his room.

[241] The Test Automation Pyramid
The test automation pyramid proposed by Mike Cohn can help you find the best approach to test automation.

[242] Luxoft Training takes part in Bucharest Technology Week
Already on its fourth edition, Bucharest Technology Week is a one-week festival taking part across the city. It celebrates the power of technology and is dedicated to tech lovers of all ages, whether they are students, business professional

[221] Questions – the main tool for managers
Most of you have probably heard in one way or another about “coaching.” Want to achieve more – find a coach; want to realize your inner potential – find a coach... If you search for the word “coach” on google, you’ll get a lot of links to v

[222] When a Manager is not Agile (but thinks he is) – part 2
Let’s continue our article on how we should approach a situation where the manager is not aware he is hurting the team.

[223] Questions – the main tool for managers. Part 2
Let’s continue our discussion on how a manager can successfully use questions to improve the way he manages.

[226] On zero refinement in Scrum
My friend Steve Porter recently twitted on Product Backlog refinement: “Refinement isn’t an event in Scrum. It’s a concept. It’s not mandatory and there are no hard and fast rules for when and how much. Zero refinement is acceptable, as is

[227] Marcus Aurelius on how to implement Scrum
I teach participants what Agile values and principles are, what Scrum is and what it is not, about the Growth mindset, team-based organizations, collaboration, frequent customer feedback and customer value maximization. I usually get the sa

[228] Remember the ignorance
I recently had a very interesting conversation with Steve Porter from We discussed a Scrum team where developers are not pulling their work themselves. Instead, it’s a senior developer who, during the Daily Scrum, selects which P

[229] Luxoft Training is an IIBA Endorsed Education Provider
For over 10 years Luxoft Training has been offering professionals the tools and opportunities to maximize their performance as business analysts or to start a career in this field.

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