Luxoft Training

[380] Why MongoDB don't fetch all the matching documents for the query fired
Sо the sсаn wоn’t see “АBС” when it gets tо the “unheаlthy” seсtiоn, beсаuse it’s nоt there аny mоre, but it аlsо wоn’t see it in the “heаlthy” seсtiоn, beсаuse we’ve аlreаdy раssed its lосаtiоn in the index.

[381] How to incrementally migrate the data from RDBMS to Hadoop using Sqoop Incremental Append technique?
In project we have faced this issue that we need to migrate the data from RDBMS to Hadoop incrementally. Арасhe Sqоор effiсiently trаnsfers dаtа between Hаdоор filesystem аnd relаtiоnаl dаtаbаses.

[383] How to incrementally migrate the data from RDBMS to Hadoop using Sqoop Incremental Last Modified technique?
In this project we have faced this issue that we need to migrate the data from RDBMS to Hadoop incrementally.

[372] How to query time increase in Impala?
In one of my projects we hаve а Kibаnа dаshbоаrd with сооl сhаrts we’ve built thаt shоw us interesting dаtа оn the Imраlа queries frоm the lаst 14 dаys.

[375] How to store data on browser using NoSQL IndexedDB?
IndexedDB is а lаrge-sсаle, NоSQL stоrаge system. It lets yоu stоre just аbоut аnything in the user’s brоwser. In аdditiоn tо the usuаl seаrсh, get, аnd рut асtiоns, IndexedDB аlsо suрроrts trаnsасtiоns.

[376] How to do Indexing in MongoDB with Elastic Search? Part 1
Nоwаdаys it’s very соmmоn tо hаve а seаrсh feаture in аny website оr арр. This usuаlly hаррens with рlаtfоrms thаt hаve lоts оf infоrmаtiоn tо оffer tо their users.

[363] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Switching between JP and Hibernate
Another article in our series. In this one we talk about switching between JP and Hibernate.

[365] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Persistence with Spring Data JPA
We're continuing our series on Object-relational Mapping Using JPA Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Happy reading.

[367] Non-working KPIs in IT: what they can cause and how to choose the right ones. Algorithm for creating KPIs
The second article about non-working KPI. We will look at how to create KPI’s that actually improve performance.

[368] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Comparing the approaches of persisting entities
We're continuing our series on Object-relational Mapping Using JPA Hibernate and Spring Data JPA This time we look at comparing the approaches of persisting entities.

[356] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA
In this article series we will set JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA face to face, compare and contrast them.

[358] How to query Kafka Streaming Data?
What if there was а way to give analysts an SQL layer over Kafka Streams when Streaming Data.

[359] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Persistence with JPA
The second part of our article series on Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. This time we look at persistence with JPA.

[361] Object-relational Mapping Using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. Native Hibernate configuration
We're continuing our series on object-relational mapping using JPA, Hibernate and Spring Data JPA. This time we look at native hibernate configuration.

[342] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? Part II. Reactivity
Reactive programming is one of the most popular trends nowadays. Learning this approach is a cumbersome process, especially if you do not have relevant materials. This article may serve as a kind of digest.

[334] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? Examples of Parallel and Asynchronous Approaches
The second part of our article series. This time we look at examples of parallel and asynchronous approaches.

[335] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? Blocking I/O
It’s time for the next article in our Reactive Programming in Java series. This time we look at blocking I/O.

[336] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? Node.js
In this article of our reactive programming in Java series we look at Node.js.

[337] ORM with JPA, Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA. Webinar recording
Check out the recording of our Object-relational Mapping with JPA, Hibernate, and Spring Data JPA webinar.

[338] Reactive Programming in Java: How, Why, and Is It Worth Doing? History of Multithreading
We continue our series on Reactive Programming in Java. This time we look at the history of multithreading.

[327] Behavior Driven Development with JUnit 5. Part 6
The last article in our series on Behavior Driven Development with JUnit 5.

[320] Behavior Driven Development with JUnit 5. Part 2
The second part of our article on Behavior Driven Development with JUnit 5.

[266] Shakespeare’s Macbeth and agile product management
Yesterday I watched Macbeth, a magnificent movie based on the cognominal tragedy by Shakespeare’s. Besides the fact that it is a beautiful movie (I really enjoyed it), I think that we can learn something about Agile product management from

[267] SAFe. Engagement and motivation
There are three key elements which contribute to people engagement and motivation when putting the financial factor aside. That is not to say that money is not a motivator but rather that they work in a different way than expected and shoul

[254] Features of the Future: How Digitalization Influences the Social Sphere and Economics
Nobody would deny that the evolution of data processing computers and networks will lead and have already led to substantial changes in our society – in terms of social structure, art and science. 

[247] Tips for improving your skills when working in IT&C
IT professionals are constantly improving their skills, often through on-the-job training. As employees perform different functions, there will always be a need to extend their knowledge in one area or another.

[240] Regular Management in an IT Team. Part 2
Let us continue our article on regular management as well as the comparison with a child cleaning his room.

[221] Questions – the main tool for managers
Most of you have probably heard in one way or another about “coaching.” Want to achieve more – find a coach; want to realize your inner potential – find a coach... If you search for the word “coach” on google, you’ll get a lot of links to v

[226] On zero refinement in Scrum
My friend Steve Porter recently twitted on Product Backlog refinement: “Refinement isn’t an event in Scrum. It’s a concept. It’s not mandatory and there are no hard and fast rules for when and how much. Zero refinement is acceptable, as is

[227] Marcus Aurelius on how to implement Scrum
I teach participants what Agile values and principles are, what Scrum is and what it is not, about the Growth mindset, team-based organizations, collaboration, frequent customer feedback and customer value maximization. I usually get the sa

[212] Why Scrum does not work (and what can we do about it)
Scrum is the most popular agile framework. Period. If we look at VersionOne 11th State of Agile report, Scrum is practiced by 58% of respondents (68% if we sum up Scrum and Scrum/XP hybrid). Among scaling frameworks Scrum dominates: while S

[200] Remote Management. Trust
In our last article we talked about some of the common challenges that might appear when managing a distributed team. If you have a closer look at such situations and try to find something common about them, you will notice that they are al

[206] Trust in the Team: Why We Need It and How It Can Be Built
When training managers of any level (from small team leads to project/program managers), most trainers focus on various managerial competencies, such as goal setting, planning, effective communication, etc., and on general concepts such as

[185] Spring JDBC Development - Using Spring
In our first article we started talking about how to write DAOs with the help of Spring. Let’s continue.

[171] The New IIBA Certification System
A new business analyst certification system of the International Institute of Business Analysis became effective on September 30, 2016 (IIBA, International Institute of Business Analysis). In this article I would like to give an overview of

[182] Spring JDBC Development – A Practical Approach
The general architecture of an application includes a few layers, as presented into the picture below:

[157] Dynamic Systems Development Method
After a long pause I would like to share an approach that we use for fast MVP design or at the start of a new project for customers willing to speed up their business with accurate, seamless and continuous innovations using programmable aut

[160] Luxoft Training at Leaders Development Summit VIII
On the 30th of March Luxoft Training took part in the Leaders Development Summit event in Bucharest, one of the most important meeting point for business leaders in Romania. This year the theme of the event centered around democracy at wor

[167] Participants and "customers" in the testing process part 2
In the first part of our article we looked at the various stakeholders in the testing process as well as how each of them views the concept of quality. In this second part we will be looking at how the QA interacts with other stakeholders i

[169] Agile Life Planning: Managing Personal Goals with Agile
Agile is not only a catchword and or just a set of software development principles. I believe that agile development methods, among other things, provide a wide range of tools and excellent capabilities for managing your personal goals, per

[147] Tester vs. Developer - part 1
A lot has been said about testers and programmers having different ways of thinking. It is quite obvious that testers look at the product from a different perspective than programmers. Often it is much easier to detect a mistake in the work

[148] Tester vs. Developer - part 2
In the first part of this article we talked about the relationship between testers and programmers and explored various strategies to improve the way they communicate and offer feedback, mostly in terms of soft skills. In this second part w

[151] Common Mistakes that Entry-Level Testers Make - part 2
In the first part of the article we talked about writing a correct description of defect summaries. In the second part we will look at a few more tips and tricks about improving the way we write a defect summary.

[156] Coaching, another perspective ...
The IT industry continues to be a booming one. An area that is constantly innovating and attracts the best talents. As this industry continues to grow, apart from the need for specialists in various technologies, there is also a need for pe

[128] ErrorProne.NET. Part 2
Last time we discussed formatting problems, and now we will deal with exceptions. ErrorProne.NET inherited a lot of features from another project of mine — ExceptionAnalyzer, but in a slightly different form. It includes rules like this:

[131] Dealing with changes in IT project teams
Anyone who works in IT&C or knows the IT&C market acknowledges that it is very dynamic area, full of challenges and twists. This also means that any company that wants to succeed must make sure that every employee must be capable o

[110] Dreyfus, Agile and other scary words
There is a great programmer out there named Andy Hunt. He is primarily known as the author of a remarkable book entitled The Pragmatic Programmer: From Journeyman to Master. But some know him as one of the authors of the Agile Manifesto, an

[114] Luxoft Training launches in Poland
One of Luxoft’s flagship events has always been LoGeek night. A series of events dedicated to IT specialists where some of the most important IT experts are invited to talk and share their knowledge with like-minded professionals.

[115] Luxoft Training – first year on the Romanian market
Come this January, Luxoft Training Romania will celebrate its first year as a software development training provider on the Romanian market. With the help and support of our colleagues from Luxoft Romania and Luxoft we’ve managed to have a

[117] Writing a simple analyzer using Roslyn – part 2
In the first part of our article we discussed analyzers – why we need them and how to created them. We continue the article by showing you how to write a Fixer.

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