Luxoft Training

[119] Best practices when conducting a technical interview or a structured one
When you are in a managerial role you can seldom say that you don’t have enough to do: analyzing various areas, developing business plans, setting goals, monitoring performance, solving conflicts, making decisions, coaching subordinates etc

[88] How to grow from a team leader to a project manager in IT?
I’ve often been asked this question by Team Leads (TLs) who already work in IT. How can these Team Leads become project managers? This article isn’t about people in Tech Lead positions, which, in my view, is no different from the Team Lead

[89] How to grow from a team leader to a project manager in IT? – part 2
In the first part of our article we looked at some of the common misconceptions regarding the transition from a TL to a PM. In part 2 we will talk about the challenges people face when making this transition.

[91] A little trick when working with ConcurrentDictionary
ConcurentDictionary has one specific feature: in some cases it may not behave exactly as you'd expect. Here is a small example. Let's say we need to do some small caching so that the results of an expensive calculation be taken from the cac

[97] Responsibility in Software Development Teams
In this article, we'll review some strategies for allocating responsibilities in large teams. Most Project Managers, in charge of developing a large application or system, have to coordinate several teams responsible for developing certain

[103] Using email in a virtual team
Historically, many virtual teams have relied on e-mail as one of the main channels for asynchronous communication. Although now there is a tendency to transition from e-mail to more high tech tools, it is, nevertheless, still very much used

[69] Personal project methodology
Do you sometimes wonder about the methodology you as a leader must select for a project? Do you ask yourself whether it will lead to the success of the project or not?

[70] Personal project methodology-part 2
In the first part of the article we talked about a system for selecting a proper project management methodology. In the second part we will look at the benefits of this particular system.

[71] No Need for a Grid
Every enterprise application features some sort of the grid. A grid being is an interactive table that presents a list of data with rows and columns. The most used features of the grid are paging, sorting and filtering. There are a lot of

[72] KPI’s and conflicts of interest
Are there any KPI which affect the personal interests of the manager but can also lead to a win-win situation? The answer is no. Once there are KPI’s that affect the interest of the manager we will surely have a situation where the manager

[73] Finding time to assess
There are many situations when you need to assess a project but the time you are allocated is not enough. Below are a few ideas on how you can find the extra time, so you do not have to reduce the quality of your assessment process.

[76] Dev Labs 2015 – Java Conference
On the 23rd of May Soft Labs and Luxoft Training hosted Dev Labs 2015, the first online English conference for Java developers where more than 210 people from countries such as Russia, Romania, Poland and Ukraine took part.

[77] On Software Development and the Book “Applying UML and Patterns”
A standard learning process has an interesting feature. Once we decide to learn something new, we start reading textbooks, attending courses and obtaining new knowledge by all available means. After some time we say “Enough!” to ourselves,

[79] 10 things you didn't know you could do with the Oracle database
In the world of enterprise software development we can see a steady tendency in moving business logic from the database tier to the application tier. Many factors influenced this, but the main one, in my opinion, is portability. Modern appl

[80] A short guide for newly appointed managers: The things to watch for
One of the first things I remember when I got my new job as a manager is the constant flow of congratulations, emails, smiley faces, likes, endorsements and even a salary raise together with a slightly bigger office.

[81] Join us to the webinar "Facilitating conversations and decision-making"
During this webinar we will discover how to make the right decisions and give feedback.

[84] Luxoft Training Bucharest hosts Java event
Because Java and Luxoft always go well together on the 25th of June we once again welcomed the members of Bucharest Java User Group for their monthly meeting. The presenter for this event was Ionut Balosin, Technical Leader at Luxoft and th

[43] Presentation of the report Remigiusz Dudek "Explore the Unknown"
Remigiusz Jakub Dudek, Luxoft Training Consultant participated in the Testwarez 2014 as a speaker with “Explore the unknown”.

[49] Interview with Joe Rainsberger
New interview with the Canadian software development consultant Joe Rainsberger

[61] Time Management for IT Projects – 9 common mistakes and how to avoid them
Mistake 1: Life without plans In spite of frequent changes appearing in the IT business anyone who wants to be successful should have a documented To-do list (day, week and month). No matter what system you use – MS Project, Excel or not

[62] How to have a nice dialogue about performance
Among the most challenging subjects for managers across industries, performance related conversations with team members is always somewhere on top. Now why is this so complicated? Isn’t it something like “Hey Jack, you’ve done a good job bu

[12] Sergey Teplyakov will speak at HOTCODE 2013
The conference will take place from May 31 till June 1 in Kiev. The HOTCODE conference is a platform for professional communication between the developers of various platforms and specializations: Ruby, JS, Python, Java, .NET, iOS, Android,

[19] Interview with Michele Marchesi, Professor of Engineering at the University of software development Cagliari (Italy)
Luxoft Training offers you to watch an interview with Michele Marchesi, Professor of Engineering at the University of Software Development Cagliari (Italy) about the advantages and disadvantages of the approach Limited WIP Lean-Kanban softw

[29] Luxoft Training assists to prepare for the BABOK certification
Luxoft Training has received the status of Endorsed Education Provider (EEP ™) of International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA ®), that confirms the compliance of the training courses, offered by Luxoft Training to the Busin

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