
Adrian Millea

Machine Learning Consultant
Adrian is working as a Reinforcement Learning scientist, and is finishing his PhD at Imperial College London. He has worked with various topics over the years, ranging from Echo State Networks to Variational Inference and Information Geometry.

He has a deep understanding of ML principles and the mathematics behind it. Some of the current practical tools he uses are Pytorch, Tensorflow, Ray, Scikit, Pandas. Adrian also works as a teaching assistant at University of Groningen.

His professional and teaching experience make Adrian the perfect choice for our Python and Machine Learning courses.Adrian is working as a Reinforcement Learning scientist, and is finishing his PhD at Imperial College London. He has worked with various topics over the years, ranging from Echo State Networks to Variational Inference and Information Geometry.

He has a deep understanding of ML principles and the mathematics behind it. Some of the current practical tools he uses are Pytorch, Tensorflow, Ray, Scikit, Pandas. Adrian also works as a teaching assistant at University of Groningen.

His professional and teaching experience make Adrian the perfect choice for our Python and Machine Learning courses.
  • Machine Learning
  • Reinforcement Learning
  • Data Science
  • Mathematics for ML
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