Working with Kubernetes: Basic Topics

Working with Kubernetes: Basic Topics
25 часы
Тип курсу
25 часы
Розклад і ціни
€ 650 *
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Working with Kubernetes: Basic Topics
25 часы
Розклад і ціни
€ 650 *
Тренінг для 7-8 чи більше людей? Налаштуйте тренінги для ваших конкретних потреб


Після проходження курсу видається сертифікат
на бланку Luxoft Training


  • Describe Kubernetes and what it’s used for
  • Understand the architecture of Kubernetes
  • Deploy a Kubernetes cluster on your local computer
  • Perform fundamental hands-on operations with Kubernetes objects
  • Deploy single and multiple container applications on Kubernetes
  • Manage application deployments with rollouts in Kubernetes
  • Learn how to manage configuration, sensitive and persistent data in Kubernetes
  • Discuss popular tools and topics surrounding Kubernetes in the ecosystem

Цільова аудиторія

  • DevOps Engineers
  • System Administrators
  • Software Developers
  • QA and Testing Specialists
  • Anyone who makes, deploys, or operates software on servers
  • Software Architects
  • System designers


  • Have knowledge of Docker
  • Linux Basics (ssh, working with files)

Дорожня карта

Topic 0: Getting Started (theory – 0,4h, practice – 0,3h)

Setup and connection configuration.

Topic 1: Kubernetes (theory – 0,7h)

Global overview of what Kubernetes is all about, its history, key concepts, architecture and components.

Topic 2: Kubernetes Cluster (theory – 0,3h, practice – 0,8h)

Set up a local cluster. Basic operations with cluster.

Topic 3: Kubernetes API (theory – 0,6h, practice – 0,7h)

Introduce API to communicate with Kubernetes. Provide description of kubectl utility. Describe and set context. Check cluster status via kubectl.

Topic 4: YAML (theory – 0,6h, practice – 0,4h)

Provide essential knowledge of YAML.

Topic 5: Namespaces (theory – 0,3h, practice – 0,3h)

Describe namespaces. Study manifest files. Create namespace.

Topic 6: Pods (theory – 2,5h, practice – 1,8h)

Describe pods and basic operations within them: creation, listing, removal, access. Describe Pod lifecycle.

Topic 7: Object management (theory – 0,5h, practice – 0,5h)

Introduce cluster state. Learn different object management techniques, pros and cons. Create specification from live objects.

Topic 8: Resource management (theory – 0,6h, practice – 0,7h)

Introduce resource management. Apply it for CPU and memory requests and limitations.

Topic 9: Labels and Annotations (theory – 0,7h, practice – 0,7h)

Describe labels and annotation. Apply labels and annotations to pods and select objects by criteria.

Topic 10: ReplicaSets (theory – 0,8h, practice – 0,8h)

Describe ReplicaSets, how they related to pods. Create, inspect, scale, and delete ReplicaSets.

Topic 11: Deployments (theory – 1,2h, practice – 1,2h)

Describe and manage Deployments. Show deployment strategies, work with history of deployments. Rollback failed deployments.

Topic 12: Services (theory – 1,3h, practice – 1,6h)

Describe services and how they are discovered, how networking is organized, how to do readiness checks. Create a service on practice.

Topic 13: ConfigMaps (theory – 0,5h, practice – 0,7h)

Describe ConfigMaps, how to keep text and binaries values, how to get values from them via files and environment variables.

Topic 14: Secrets (theory – 0,5h, practice – 0,7h)

Describe Secrets and their subtypes, how to keep raw and encoded values, how to get values from them via files and environment variables.

Topic 15: Volumes (theory – 0,8h, practice – 1h)

Present concept of volumes. Describe emptyDir, hostPath, and persistent volume. Static and dynamic provision by claims.

Topic 16: Final notes (theory – 0,5h)

What’s next?

Summary, recommended books.

Total: theory – 12,8h (50%), practice – 12,2h (50%)

Розклад і ціни
Код: ADM-021
Місцезнаходження: Online
Продолжительность: 25 часы
Мова: English
момент: 11:00-15:10
€ 650 *
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