Introduction to SQL for Testers
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This 16 hour course aims to teach participants how to use SQL to query a database for testing purposes. The SQL (Structured Query Language) principles taught in this training are independent of any database management system and can be used on most database management systems.After completing the course, participants will have a good understanding of basic database concepts and will gain the necessary knowledge to interact with the database to verify data. We will learn and practice techniques pertaining to SQL, that allow us to design additional tests and gain a deeper understanding of the application we are testing.
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на бланку Luxoft Training
на бланку Luxoft Training
- Know the different database management systems in the market place
- Get an understanding of different types of databases
- Understand the basic structure of a database specifically for relational databases
- Understand and differentiate between common database objects
- Be able to create and understand a simple to complex select statement
- Understand how to modify data using common statements
- Know how to create aliases in a select statement and work with special operators
- Be able to expand the select statement to find specific data on the tables using the where, group by and having clauses
- Understand how to select data from different tables in a single select statement
- Be able to manipulate data across table and views
Цільова аудиторія
- Entry level software testers
Дорожня карта
- The concept of a relational database
- How to create a query, streamline query results, remove redundant results
- Queries with a condition. Using Relational and Boolean Operators
- Use of special operators
- Aggregate Functions
- Generating query output
- Combining tables, using different conditions
- Subqueries, related subqueries
- EXISTS, ALL, ANY / SOME statements
- Using Union
- Using Join
- Modifying tables: insert, change, delete rows. Using Conditions
- Creating, modifying views
- Creating, deleting tables