Luxoft Training

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Questions – the main tool for managers

Most of you have probably heard in one way or another about “coaching.” Want to achieve more – find a coach; want to realize your inner potential – find a coach... If you search for the word “coach” on google, you’ll get a lot of links to various coaching articles. And you can find so many different coaches: a life coach, career coach, business coach, and so on... I was somewhat intrigued by the term “manager as coach” as it is directly connected with my job.
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When a Manager is not Agile (but thinks he is)

Imagine you are an external Agile consultant invited to improve Scrum in a team. A product owner is a head of this department. Let’s call him Alex. Alex talks a lot about self-organization and business agility and then during Sprint planning you observe this guy suppressing team initiatives, micromanaging and in an aggressive manner avoiding their questions about the business value of Sprint backlog items. 

Luxoft Training joins the Digital Revolution

Every October Bucharest plays host to one of the most important IT&C events in south eastern Europe, Internet and Mobile World. A two day event that focuses on technology and brings together some of the most important companies, professionals and though leaders in the industry.

Why Scrum does not work (and what can we do about it)

Scrum is the most popular agile framework. Period. If we look at VersionOne 11th State of Agile report, Scrum is practiced by 58% of respondents (68% if we sum up Scrum and Scrum/XP hybrid). Among scaling frameworks Scrum dominates: while Scrum-of-Scrums has 27% (1% less than Scaled Agile Framework), Scrum-of-Scrums, LeSS and Nexus combined have 31%.
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