Luxoft Training

[JVA-083 ] Kafka Fundamentals for Java Developers
Apache Kafka is an open-source distributed event streaming platform. Its unique design shows usefulness in a plethora of applications dealing with large streams of data. This course will introduce Apache Kafka to Java developers, making sur

[EAS-024] Advanced Spark for Developers
The Advanced Spark for Developers Course will help trainees get a proper understanding of the internal structure and functioning of Apache Spark – Spark Core (RDD), Spark SQL and Spark Streaming.

[RECR-010] Interviewing job candidates
„ Conducting job interviews with candidates” is a training dedicated to all people involved in various stages of the interview process and helps them learn to ask the right questions and assess candidates adequately. As a participant of thi

[553] Bashakin

[568] Lupan

[600] Yakovenko

[616] Treit

[634] Kourktchi

[3265] Robert Ionita

[680] Baginska

[658] Grobla

[325] Okey, Guru! Classic Testing Mistakes – Then and Now
Once upon a time, in 1997, Brian Marick wrote an article entitled “Classic Testing Mistakes.” In his article he classified testing mistakes into several groups which are listed below. In 2009, I analyzed the then current state of those mist

[309] How to prepare for your IIBA Certification. Challenges & Hacks
A lot of articles and books on the topic of preparing for the IIBA exam have been written. And we feel no need to repeat what they say. But what we will do in this article is focus on issues that are not covered by the web site.

[245] Professional Standards in IT
Whenever professional standards in the IT industry are brought up, the usual reaction is a counter question: How (and what for) can such a fast-changing industry be standardized? Should it be regulated at all? How can it work, especially if

[215] Luxoft Training joins the Digital Revolution
Every October Bucharest plays host to one of the most important IT&C events in south eastern Europe, Internet and Mobile World. A two day event that focuses on technology and brings together some of the most important companies, profess

[198] Preparing for the future at Bucharest Technology Week
Predicting the future is a challenging prospect but what we do know for sure is that technology will play a big part in it. The future was also the main theme behind this year’s edition of Bucharest Technology Week, the largest urban techno

[200] Remote Management. Trust
In our last article we talked about some of the common challenges that might appear when managing a distributed team. If you have a closer look at such situations and try to find something common about them, you will notice that they are al

[204] Remote Management. Work Schedule
Set up a work schedule for all locations. This advice may seem silly – everyone has an employment contract where working hours are stated. Why set up a work schedule?

[158] Peer to Peer Executive Board Meetings
The services offer when it comes to the Learning and Development market seems huge – from online resources and workshops to training or coaching, just to name a few. Each one of them, inspired and developed based on different studies and ye

[119] Best practices when conducting a technical interview or a structured one
When you are in a managerial role you can seldom say that you don’t have enough to do: analyzing various areas, developing business plans, setting goals, monitoring performance, solving conflicts, making decisions, coaching subordinates etc

[92] Analysts: who is who?
Without going into details the majority of project roles are quite clear from the title the person has. The project manager manages the project. The developer develops software. The tester tests it. But when it comes to analysts some questi

[96] How to start a career in testing?
Testing as a profession is gaining popularity and becoming more desirable. More and more people are willing to retrain and become IT specialists, because this area is developing and the highly paid work of the tester seems to be the most ac

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