
Marius Stoica

Software Development Consultant
Marius is a programmer and Linux enthusiast, with a passion for computer science and software development. He is always focused on improving his programming and C++ skills with an eye on System Administration.

Due to the fact that his main area of expertise is in Linux and C++, Marius, is one of our key trainers for facilitating courses on these topics. His previous work experience has allowed him to understand the challenges that developers face in their projects everyday and to adapt his content and delivery style to help them.Marius is a programmer and Linux enthusiast, with a passion for computer science and software development. He is always focused on improving his programming and C++ skills with an eye on System Administration.

Due to the fact that his main area of expertise is in Linux and C++, Marius, is one of our key trainers for facilitating courses on these topics. His previous work experience has allowed him to understand the challenges that developers face in their projects everyday and to adapt his content and delivery style to help them.
  • C/C++
  • Linux Administration
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