Futures: Multi-leg transactions

Futures: Multi-leg transactions

The course covers key elements of multi-leg futures.

2 hours
Course type
2 hours
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Futures: Multi-leg transactions
2 hours
€ 110 *
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs


Multi-leg transactions, also known as futures spread trading, involve the simultaneous purchase and sale of related futures contracts, referred to as legs. This practice is utilized to hedge and reduce systematic risk or to speculate on market inefficiencies. This course provides a comprehensive understanding of futures spread trading, making it valuable for traders looking to develop a clear vision of multi-leg transactions in the futures market. Participants will learn various spread strategies and how to implement them effectively.

The course begins with an introduction to futures spreads and the spread matrix, explaining the basics of multi-leg transactions and their purposes in hedging and speculation. Participants will learn the mechanics of creating and managing futures spreads, understanding how these strategies can mitigate risk or exploit market opportunities.

Next, the course delves into specific types of spreads, starting with calendar spreads, which involve contracts of the same commodity with different expiration dates. Participants will explore butterfly and condor spreads, which combine multiple legs to form complex positions with defined risk and reward profiles.

The training also covers crack and crush spreads, which are unique to specific industries, such as the oil and soybean markets. These spreads involve the simultaneous trading of related products to capitalize on price differentials and processing margins.

Finally, the course addresses packs and bundles, which are combinations of futures contracts with varying expiration dates commonly used in the interest rate futures market. Participants will gain insights into how these advanced strategies can be applied to manage risk and enhance trading opportunities.

By the end of this course, participants will be able to:

- Understand the fundamental concepts and mechanics of futures spread trading.

- Identify and construct various types of futures spreads, including calendar, butterfly, and condor spreads.

- Implement crack and crush spreads to take advantage of price differentials in specific markets.

- Utilize packs and bundles to manage risk and optimize trading strategies in the interest rate futures market.

- Analyze the benefits and potential risks associated with multi-leg transactions.

- Apply futures spread strategies to hedge risk or speculate on market inefficiencies effectively.

This training course equips participants with the knowledge and skills needed to navigate and utilize multi-leg transactions in the futures market, enhancing their ability to hedge risks and capitalize on market opportunities.

After completing the course, a certificate
is issued on the Luxoft Training form


To provide the audience with an understanding of multi-leg futures, their types, pros, and cons.

Target Audience

Testers, System and Business Analysts, Architects, Developers, and Project Managers working on corporate finance projects


Completed introductory training in financial markets and derivatives or possess equivalent knowledge.


Futures: Multi-leg transactions:

- futures spread, spread matrix

- calendar, butterfly, condor spreads

- crack & crush spreads

- packs & bundles

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