Credit Risk

Credit Risk

The course gives a general understanding of credit risk, its types and possible ways of its management

Czas trwania
3 hours
Typ kursu
Czas trwania
3 hours
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb
Credit Risk
Czas trwania
3 hours
€ 150 *
Szkolenie dla #uczestników# lub większej liczby osób? Dostosuj treningi dla Twoich konkretnych potrzeb


Credit risk refers to the risk that a borrower may not repay a loan and that the lender may lose the principal of the loan or the interest associated with it. When lenders offer borrowers mortgages, credit cards or other types of loans, there is always an element of risk that the borrower may not repay the loan. Similarly, if a company offers credit to its client, there is a risk that its clients may not pay their invoices. Credit risk also describes the risk that a bond issuer may fail to make payment when requested or that an insurance company won't be able to make a claim. So, credit risk has different spheres of origination and in this training you will know how to measure credit risk and what should be taking into consideration as risk management actions. As well as these I will see how credit risk of bank assets influence on banks’ capital adequacy ratio and what techniques can be used to mitigate this risk.The course gives a general understanding of credit risk, its types and possible ways of its management

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To provide the audience the understanding of the credit risk, its types and lifecycle events, the overall description of credit risk measurement, management, and mitigation, how credit risk is included in the current landscape of bank regulatory capital requirements.

Grupa docelowa

Testers, System and Business Analysts, Architects, Developers, and Project Managers working on credit risk projects

Warunki wstępne

FIN-001. Introduction into Financial Markets

Plan działania

Credit Risk: an Overview

Credit Risk Lifecycle

Credit Risk Types

Credit Risk Measurement & Management

Credit Risk and the Basel Accords

Estimating Default Probabilities From Credit Spreads

Credit Risk Mitigation

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