Web application development by using JavaScript and AngularJS

Web application development by using JavaScript and AngularJS
16 hours
Course type
16 hours
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs
Web application development by using JavaScript and AngularJS
16 hours
. . .
Training for 7-8 or more people? Customize trainings for your specific needs


This online training class will give you a practical knowledge of developing the front end of a Web applications by immersing into an environment similar to a real-world enterprise setup. We’ll spend about 70% of the time on lectures and 30% working hands-on. By the end of this training you’ll build a single-page Web application for a sample online store, which will use the mock-up data in JSON format. You can apply the acquired skills for development of the front-end of Web applications regardless of what server-side technology is used. This training will consist of 4 four-hour online session (each includes one 15-min break).
After completing the course, a certificate
is issued on the Luxoft Training form

Target Audience

The acquired skills can be applied for development of the front-end of Web applications regardless of what server-side technology is used. So, the training is aimed at professionals of any programming languages  exploring the JavaScript and AngularJS.


Unit 1
Fast pace introduction to JavaScript. Creating a wireframe of the UI of the online store. Developing and Debugging in HTML/JavaScript. Intro to Responsive Web Design. Mocking up the UI. Creating the first prototype of the online store in pure HTML/JavaScript/CSS. Styling UI with Bootstrap.

Unit 2
Intro to AngularJS framework: modules, application life-cycle, controllers, directives, filters, expressions, data binding. Promises, routing, advanced controllers, UI decomposition using AngularJS directives. Node.js as the runtime for all development tools, managing tools with npm, scaffolding with Yeoman, managing 3rd-party libraries with Bower, Grunt task runner as an automation tool for all development processes. Learning most commonly used Grunt plugins. Configuring libraries in IntelliJ IDEA. Mocking up server side with AngularJS.

Unit 3
AngularJS Dependency Injection (DI). Covering of various flavors of DI, strategies to inject services, overview of available registration methods. AngularJS Scopes In Depth. Two-way data binding. Web browser’s event loop vs. AngularJS Event Loop, digest loop, using $apply().

Unit 4
AngularJS Directives. Decomposing UI with AngularJS directives, creating reusable components, isolated scope, wrapping 3rd-party UI components (e.g. jQueryUI calendar) to enable two-way data binding. Leveraging built-in form validation features, creating custom validators. Communicating with a backend via RESTful API, CORS, $http, $resource, Restangular.



Yakov Fain is a cofounder of two startups: Farata Systems, the IT consultancy and SuranceBay, a software product company. Java Champion. Organizer of the Princeton Java Users Group. Yakov authored and co-authored a number of technical books on programming (e.g Enterprise Web Development, O’Reilly, 2014, Java 24-Hour Trainer, Wrox, 2011). Yakov presented on various international conferences on Java and JavaScript related topics. Most of all Yakov enjoys learning and teaching software. His free video course “Intro to Java and Java EE programming” is available on Youtube in Russian  and in English.


Anton Moiseev is a lead software developer at Farata Systems. He’s been developing enterprise applications since 2005. Versatile in .NET stack as well as in Java/Java EE. Strong experience with web programming technologies: JavaScript, Dart, WebSockets, HTML, CSS. Contributor to Google Dart project. He’s an expert in project-environment automation with Maven, Gradle, Grunt, Gulp, shell scripts.

Anton is a programming languages enthusiast. As technology speaker delivered talks at JEEConf 2013 and 2014 - the largest independent Java conference in Eastern Europe, and “Intro to Dart” talk at New York City Dart Users Group. Anton prepares and conducts online and on-site trainings teaching JavaScript, ExtJS, Java, and modern Web technologies.

Date: December, 8–11

This training will be held in Russian.
We can organize the same training in English on request.

Course price:
October,1 – October, 31 – 242 EUR;
November, 1 – November, 30 – 282 EUR;
December, 1 – December, 7 – 323 EUR. 
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