1. JavaScript Language
JavaScript versions and implementations
JavaScript application scope (browser, server side, mobile development)
Data types: String, Number, Boolean (notions of truthy and falsy)
Operators, operator priorities
Declaring variables: var, const, let
Loops: while, for, for … in, for …of
Working with numbers and strings
Values null and undefined: differences and use cases
Working with the console
Exceptions in JavaScript
2. JSON, objects and arrays
JSON format, examples
JSON.parse and stringify
Objects, working with Object class
Creating objects (using the literal {}, operator new, method create)
Prototype inheritance, __proto__ reference
Getters and Setters
Operator in and hasOwnProperty, notion of enumerable properties
Method toString(), calling and overriding the method
Method valueOf(),calling and overriding the method
Creating arrays: literals and new Array()
Automatically changing of the array size
Getting and setting the array length, array truncation
Using methods join() and concat()
Using method sort, setting the order of array sorting
Using methods slice and splice
Using methods push, pop, shift, unshift: creating a stack or queue
3. Working with date and time
Using constructor new Date()
Notion of computer representation of date as time elapsed since Epoch
Using getTime() and setTime()
Parsing the date string
Options for creating strings in JS: using single and double quotes
String interpolation (string in apostrophes)
Quoting of special characters in a string
String concatenation, upper and lower case
Searching for a substring with indexOf() and lastIndexOf()
Selecting a substring with substring() and substr()
Using methods includes, endsWith, startsWith
4. Using JavaScript in browser: DOM Model
Managing the browser window, document, events, and layout (CSS)
Window object and its application
Connecting JavaScript code to HTML page
Sequence of scripts execution on the page
Caching scripts, CDN servers, JavaScript force reloading
Using references, connecting JavaScript to references
The onload event and its use
XSS attacks against web sites
Working with DOM: using window, document, childNodes
Manipulating a document using DOM: creating, deleting, moving elements
Using getElementById(), getElementsByTagName(), getElementsByClassName() for searching elements on a page
Using methods and properties of HTMLDocument and HTMLElement
5. Events in Browser
Notion of event-driven programming
Event handlers and listeners
Attaching event handlers with addEventListener()
Properties and methods of Event class
Events bubbling and capturing
Stopping propagation
Window events
Mouse and keyboard events, special properties of events
Form Events
6. Working with CSS and Managing Styles
CSS standard, main properties of CSS
Common styles and styles of separate elements
Cascading styles
CSS selectors
Changing CSS with JavaScript
CSS box model: margin, padding, border
Managing element visibility: visibility and display
Positioning of elements: absolute, fixed, relative, setting top and left
Units of measurement – px, pt, etc.
Element overflow and managing through the overflow property
Managing document layers: zIndex property
Animation, moving elements
Working with classes, setting className
Working with visibility and transitions
Method querySelectorAll()
7. Working with Modules in JavaScript, NPM, Webpack
Reasons for using modules
Export from module
Import from module
Working with NPM, package.json
The node_modules folder, loading packages with NPM
Global and local installation of packages
Using Webpack for package assembly
CSS and TypeScript loaders
Configuration of webpack.config.js
Creating a bundle, compressing
Webpack plugins
Using legacy modular systems – CommonJS and AMD
Using CommonsChunkPlugin, multiple entry points
Hot module replacement (HMR)
8. Classes and Inheritance in JavaScript
Prototype inheritance, reference __proto__
Object prototype
Using instanceof
Keyword class, creating classes
Keyword super
Using the method Object.assign()
Using the method Object.defineProperty()
Getters and setters
Spread operator for working with objects and arrays
Destructuring of array and object
9. Functional Programming in JavaScript
Functions as variables
Array arguments
Class Function, methods call() and apply()
Method bind(), installing this and some parameters with bind
Closures in JavaScript
Encapsulation of values with closures
Creating a function through the Function constructor: constructing a string
Arrow functions, examples of using them
Functional manipulation with array: find, findIndex, filter
Examples of using map/filter/reduce for data processing in an array
10. Immutability, Testing, MVC Pattern
Notion of immutability, its advantages
Mutable and immutable methods for changing objects and arrays
Notion and benefits of Virtual DOM
Testing immutable functions, using Jest
Memoization, its advantages
Common errors and recommendations for using functional programming
MVC pattern, creating a user interface
Overview of main libraries for interface development: Angular, React, Vue
11. Asynchronicity in JavaScript. Promises
Notion and necessity of asynchronicity
Working with setTimeout, setInterval, clearTimeout
Callback functions
Loss of this in using a callback function. Solutions (using bind, arrow functions, etc.)
Notion of promises, return of Promise from asynchronous function
Method Promise.all(), its application
Async/await syntax, options of using, restrictions
Handling exceptions: Promise reject, exception handling in case of asynchronous calls
12. Working with the server. HTTP Protocol. REST Services
HTTP protocol
HTTP headers and methods (GET, POST, PUT, DELETE, etc.), data transfer
HTTP servers (overview)
HTTP server response codes
Using forms for data uploading
Uploading data to server with AJAX
REST architecture: advantages and peculiarities
Implementation of CRUD (Create/Read/Update/Delete) with REST
Using the fetch() function for getting and sending data
Documenting REST services with Swagger
Notion of HATEOAS, using it
13. AXIOS Library. WebSocket Protocol
Comparison of high-level Axios library and using low-level fetch() method
GET and POST requests in Axios
Using async/await with Axios
Error handling in using Axios
Cancelling a request with Axios
WebSocket Protocol
Examples of using WebSocket, comparison to HTTP