JavaScript development
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In this training we look at JavaScript (EcmaScript 2015+), using JavaScript for working in browsers (UI events, manipulating HTML with DOM CSS), JavaScript modules (NPM, Webpack), working with the server (HTTP protocol, REST, AJAX, Axios, WebSocket). It is also a first step towards learning Angular and React web frameworks.
The training also covers subjects such as using OOP, working with JSON, and functional programming. You’ll learn in detail how to work with classes, objects, arrays, dates, immutability and asynchronicity.
Po ukończeniu kursu na formularzu Luxoft Training
wydawany jest certyfikat
wydawany jest certyfikat
- Develop a good understanding of JavaScript capabilities
- Get a solid basis for further usage of web frameworks such as React or Angular
- Learn the language’ structure and syntax, and its object model
- Detailed review of the DOM model for HTML document as well as CSS
- Get to grips with techniques for managing DOM and CSS using JavaScript
- Learn event handling models and form creation, and get an overview of JSON and Ajax technologies, asynchronicity and working with the server
Grupa docelowa
- Web developers
Warunki wstępne
- Knowledge of HTML and CSS. Experience in development in any C-like language (C, C++, Java, C#) is desirable.
Plan działania