
Pichugin Timur

Software Development Consultant
Timur has over 16 years of experience in software development. He spent 8 years working for a software vendor, taking part in leading the development of a call-center management system. He also has experience as consultant, working on Microsoft Sharepoint projects such as intranet web sites, enterprise search systems and knowledge management solutions.

He has more than 3 years of teaching experience and is currently a Microsoft Certified Trainer. Timur is involved in developing and teaching courses on C++, C# and Web Development, including JavaScript, React.js and Node, and team work-related things like Git and DevOps.

His expertise shows in all the trainings he delivers for Luxoft Training on web development, .Net, software testing and more.Timur has over 16 years of experience in software development. He spent 8 years working for a software vendor, taking part in leading the development of a call-center management system. He also has experience as consultant, working on Microsoft Sharepoint projects such as intranet web sites, enterprise search systems and knowledge management solutions.

He has more than 3 years of teaching experience and is currently a Microsoft Certified Trainer. Timur is involved in developing and teaching courses on C++, C# and Web Development, including JavaScript, React.js and Node, and team work-related things like Git and DevOps.

His expertise shows in all the trainings he delivers for Luxoft Training on web development, .Net, software testing and more.
  • Software Development
  • Enterprise Search
  • Knowledge Management
  • SharePoint
  • PowerShell
  • .NET, ASP.NET, MVC, WPF, C#, SQL Server, IIS,
  • Javascript, AJAX, jQuery, bootstrap, Angularjs, mongodb, HTML, CSS, PHP, XML, XSLT, UML, Visual Studio, TFS, SVN
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