Cassandra for Developers
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Cassandra is an open source distributed, fault-tolerant, horizontally scalable, non-relational database management system featuring very fast writes and simple fast reads. It also has automatic data and node repair as well as SQL-like query language.Our training deals with Cassandra core concepts, data modeling and using CQL for queries. Not to mention API-based and ORM-mediated data access from applications. We focus on the fundamentals of Cassandra 2.0+ architecture, conceptual, logical and physical data modeling. The course includes technical introductions to all areas needed to use Cassandra for building scalable Java applications.
Після проходження курсу видається сертифікат
на бланку Luxoft Training
на бланку Luxoft Training
- Understand core Cassandra concepts and architecture
- Design data models for Cassandra
- Write CQL queries using basic types and collections
- Access to Cassandra from Java programs
- Learn about ORM-like libraries/frameworks for Cassandra
Цільова аудиторія
- Developers
- Architects
- Database designers
- Database administrators
Basic Java programming skills. Unix/Linux shell familiarity. Experience with databases is optional.
Дорожня карта
- Core Cassandra concepts
- Cassandra local and cloud installation and configuring
- Cassandra architecture, replication, eventual consistency
- Write path, Hinted handoff
- Read path, Read repair, Node repair
- Compaction
- Cassandra Data Model
- Primary and partition keys
- CQL: Cassandra Query Language
- CQL data types, collections, nesting, expiring
- CQL queries
- Transactions
- Query-driven data modeling
- Data modeling best practices
- Table and key design
- Secondary Indexes
- Java driver architecture
- Basic Java API
- ORMs for Cassandra