TypeScript Programming
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TypeScript was selected as a main language for the Angular framework, and nowadays it is widely used for React development and for building any enterprise-level Frontend applications.
It gives you the possibility to use the syntax which is closer to languages like Java or C#, and allows you to write more accurate, convenient, and easy to maintain code.
Після проходження курсу видається сертифікат
на бланку Luxoft Training
на бланку Luxoft Training
- Introduce JavaScript developers to the TypeScript syntax and features
- Show participants how these features could be effectively used
Цільова аудиторія
- JavaScript developers
- Prior experience with JavaScript, NPM, WebPack
Дорожня карта
TypeScript basics
- TypeScript: Background and foundations
- Basic types in TypeScript
- ES2015+ features used in TS
- ES2015 modules, import and export
- Type cast
- Practice (environment setup, Webpack installation and configuration, attaching TypeScript compiler)
Other types in TypeScript
- Function types
- Literal types
- Union types
- Working with null and undefined, configuring strictNullChecks
- Interfaces and structural types
- Optional properties in interfaces
- Indexable type
- Classes and interface implementation
- Extending interfaces
- Type cast
- Function types with interfaces
- Hybrid interfaces
- Function overloading
- Practice (writing an object-oriented application, using typing, classes, interfaces, encapsulation, polymorphism)
Integration of TypeScript with JavaScript libraries (from npm and your own)
- Type declaration
- Practice: connecting JS code
- Practice: connecting external JS libraries
- Practice: connecting and typing your own JS libraries
Classes in depth
- Private, protected, and public fields
- Static class fields
- Static properties
- Using class as interface
- Readonly modifier
- Class expressions
- Abstract classes
Types in depth
- Type cast
- Contextual type
- Type compatibility
- Interface merge
- Intersection types
- Local type definition
- Strict literal assignment checking
- Strict literal types and their merging
- Discriminators
- Polymorphic type this
- Type guards
- Using typeof for type guards
- Type narrowing with type guards
- Type narrowing with instanceof
- Nullable types
- Declarative programming with decorators
- Changing property definitions with decorators
- Extending classes
- Meta-programming with decorators
- Access restriction with decorators
- Using wrappers for changing function behavior
- Decorators with parameters
- Decorator for methods
- Practice: validation of property with decorators
- Practice: implementation and configuration of logging with decorators
Generic types
- Purpose of generic type
- Working with generic arrays
- Using constraints with generic types
- Generic classes
- Generic interfaces
- Generic classes with type assertion to any
- Generic classes with overloaded methods