JUnit 5 – new approach, new functionalities. Part 3

JUnit 5 – new approach, new functionalities. Part 3

Junit has more assertion type methods than Junit 4. Several have been added and they work very well together with the lambda expressions in Java 8. All these types of methods are static and come from the org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions class.
Assertions in Junit 5

Junit has more assertion type methods than Junit 4. Several have been added and they work very well together with the lambda expressions in Java 8. All these types of methods are static and come from the org.junit.jupiter.api.Assertions class.

The comparison between assertions in Junit 4 and Junit 5 look like this:

 JUnit 4 JUnit 5 
 Assert Class

The optional message is the first parameter
Assertions Class

The optional message is the last parameter

The assertThat method has been removed

New methods: assertAll and assertThrows

The message in assertions is the last parameter of the methods:


The supplier allows for lazy initialization in case of complex messages. A chunk of code which uses possible assertions looks like this:

possible assertions code.jpg

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Catalin Tudose
Java and Web Technologies Expert
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