Luxoft Training


What is testing?

Testing is defined differently and it depends on the needs of the company and the main objectives of the project. If we consider the definitions of testing over time, we can see that the concept has developed and undergone some changes in several stages.

A little trick when working with ConcurrentDictionary

ConcurentDictionary has one specific feature: in some cases it may not behave exactly as you'd expect. Here is a small example. Let's say we need to do some small caching so that the results of an expensive calculation be taken from the cache if they are there, and be added to the cache in a transparent manner if someone made a mistake.

How to grow from a team leader to a project manager in IT?

I’ve often been asked this question by Team Leads (TLs) who already work in IT. How can these Team Leads become project managers? This article isn’t about people in Tech Lead positions, which, in my view, is no different from the Team Lead in terms of growth towards the PM position. Thus, the TL abbreviation can be read both as a Team Lead and as a Tech Lead.

Luxoft Training Bucharest hosts Java event

Because Java and Luxoft always go well together on the 25th of June we once again welcomed the members of Bucharest Java User Group for their monthly meeting. The presenter for this event was Ionut Balosin, Technical Leader at Luxoft and the subject of the presentation was the Evolution of Garbage Collection in HotSpot Virtual Machine. How to choose, tune and profile them.

Controlling your systems with Puppet

Even if it may seem so, keeping a correct configuration on all your systems is not a trivial task. And, more than that, it is also a very important one. Regardless of their role - development environments, regression test beds, production servers etc. - it is vital that every machine is configured correctly for producing reliable results or serving adequate content.

How to measure performance in Java applications?

Performance is an important criterion each software application should meet and each architect should have in mind when designing and putting in place non-functional requirements. Sometimes it becomes really hard to tune and improve a mature and complex application especially because the performance might be influenced by a lot of factors.
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