Luxoft Training


Luxoft Training assists to prepare for the BABOK certification

Luxoft Training has received the status of Endorsed Education Provider (EEP ™) of International Institute of Business Analysis (IIBA ®), that confirms the compliance of the training courses, offered by Luxoft Training to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge BABOK ® and allows to train specialists for CCBA ® / CBAP ® certification exams.

Master class from .Net-guru Dino Esposito, Moscow, October, 25, 2014

Luxoft Training is glad to invite you to the first master class from Dino Esposito “Fresh perspective on real-world software design: from DDD to CQRS and from both up to Event Sourcing” in Russia.
The workshop goes through the definition of the DDD. Trainer will compare domain models with anemic models and will relate a domain model to DTOs, real-world processes, business rules, and concrete technologies for persistence such as Entity Framework Code-first.

Luxoft with a prestigious award at the Finovate Europe 2014 Conference

The iStockTrack Mobile Application Received "Best of Show".

Luxoft, one of the leading IT outsourcing providers in Central and Eastern Europe, was awarded the "Best of Show" prize at this year's London Finovate Europe 2014 Conference. It is the world's most important technological meeting devoted to IT solutions for financial institutions. The company was given the award for the iStockTrack innovative application dedicated to private banking clients. In the opinion of the conference participants, the company's presentation was the most innovative and interesting at this year's Finovate Europe edition.
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