
Ana Corduneanu

Software Testing Consultant
Ana has more than 10 years of experience in software testing, working with waterfall and also Agile methodologies. During this time she has held various roles in the industry, an aspect which allowed her to have a thorough understanding of the needs and challenges in software testing.

During her career she focused on developing her skills in test design, automation, test management and requirements specification. Ana also has a background in finance and is especially interested in financial software development.

In addition to her functional roles Ana has also been involved in facilitating trainings and coaching sessions. She is ISTQB certified on test analysis and test management.Ana has more than 10 years of experience in software testing, working with waterfall and also Agile methodologies. During this time she has held various roles in the industry, an aspect which allowed her to have a thorough understanding of the needs and challenges in software testing.

During her career she focused on developing her skills in test design, automation, test management and requirements specification. Ana also has a background in finance and is especially interested in financial software development.

In addition to her functional roles Ana has also been involved in facilitating trainings and coaching sessions. She is ISTQB certified on test analysis and test management.
  • Agile, Test Driven Development, Waterfall, V-model
  • Integration and system testing
  • Test design techniques
  • Financial software
  • Investment banking
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