
Andrei Sitaru

Software Developer and DevOps Practitioner
Andrei is a DevOps, Containerisation, Cloud-Native Architecture and Application Modernization advocate. He is currently working as a Software Engineer on a big data, end-to-end service visibility distributed solution that allows observing service topology, inventory, fault and performance of large scale, disparate systems.

In this role he has migrated an entire microservices ecosystem from docker-compose to docker swarm and later on to Kubernetes and installed, managed, automated and troubleshoot several staging level Kubernetes clusters.

Andrei is passionate about defining good development practices and improving collaboration between dev, QA and operations by removing the silos tendency, extreme automation of development and operations activities as well as monitoring, profiling and improving application performance.

For Luxoft Training he delivers various courses on DevOps, Docker, JavaScript, Kubernetes and more. He is a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer.Andrei is a DevOps, Containerisation, Cloud-Native Architecture and Application Modernization advocate. He is currently working as a Software Engineer on a big data, end-to-end service visibility distributed solution that allows observing service topology, inventory, fault and performance of large scale, disparate systems.

In this role he has migrated an entire microservices ecosystem from docker-compose to docker swarm and later on to Kubernetes and installed, managed, automated and troubleshoot several staging level Kubernetes clusters.

Andrei is passionate about defining good development practices and improving collaboration between dev, QA and operations by removing the silos tendency, extreme automation of development and operations activities as well as monitoring, profiling and improving application performance.

For Luxoft Training he delivers various courses on DevOps, Docker, JavaScript, Kubernetes and more. He is a Certified Kubernetes Application Developer.
  • DevOps Methodologies
  • Cloud-Native
  • Kubernetes
  • Docker
  • CI/CD Tooling
  • Configuration Management: Ansible
  • Monitoring/Profiling
  • Javascript/NodeJS
  • Front-End Frameworks: React, Angular
  • Reactive Programming: RxJs, Java Vertx
  • Application Performance with a focus on concurrency and asynchronous programming
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