
Sergiy Zhelnov

Software Development Consultant
Sergey is a highly qualified programming specialist. Currently, he works as a developer in a Deutsche Bank project. He is one of the developers of TIBCO testing framework. Sergey has developed key component DataDictionary used in converting messages from FIX4.4 format to FixML.
He has extensive professional skills: from writing application software for Windows/Unix to Windows drivers.
Significant portion of his experience includes writing different network and multithreading systems and applications.Sergey is a highly qualified programming specialist. Currently, he works as a developer in a Deutsche Bank project. He is one of the developers of TIBCO testing framework. Sergey has developed key component DataDictionary used in converting messages from FIX4.4 format to FixML.
He has extensive professional skills: from writing application software for Windows/Unix to Windows drivers.
Significant portion of his experience includes writing different network and multithreading systems and applications.Network and multithreading programming, XML, XPath, XSD, XSLTSoftware Quality
  • XML
  • XPath
  • XSD
  • XSLT
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