
The IIBA Certification. What’s new?
Business and System Analysis The IIBA Certification. What’s new?

Jul 28, 2020

Nowadays the Guide to the Business Analysis Body of Knowledge™ or ВАВОК™ for short is very well known by many professionals across a variety of industries. As well as the three levels of certificatio…

Newly-Introduced JUnit 5 Annotations and Classes. The @Disabled annotation
Java Newly-Introduced JUnit 5 Annotations and Classes. The @Disabled annotation

Jul 21, 2020

The second part of our article on Newly-Introduced JUnit 5 Annotations and Classes. This time we look at @Disabled annotation.

Newly-Introduced JUnit 5 Annotations and Classes. @DisplayName annotation
Java Newly-Introduced JUnit 5 Annotations and Classes. @DisplayName annotation

Jul 14, 2020

Abstract: JUnit is a unit testing framework for the Java programming language. The JUnit 5 version has been redesigned to solve some particular problems of the previous versions. It comes with a lot…

Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations. Part 3
Java Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations. Part 3

Jul 6, 2020

The last article in our series on migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 (implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations). This time we look at the effective migration.

Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations. Part 2
Java Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations. Part 2

Jun 24, 2020

The second article of our series on implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations when Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5. This time we look at needed dependencies.

Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations
Java Migrating from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5: implementing the migration, dependencies, annotations

Jun 17, 2020

Implementing the migration from JUnit 4 to JUnit 5 can be done step by step and, for a period of time, you may be working with a hybrid approach for mature projects. The article will compare the need…

JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 6
Java JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 6

Jun 10, 2020

The last article in our series on JUnit 5 Architecture. We now turn our attention to the JUnit 5 approach. JUnit 5 allows similar effects as in the case of the JUnit 4 rules by introducing the own ex…

JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 5
Java JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 5

Jun 4, 2020

In this fifth article in our series we look at the CustomStatement class. Happy reading.

JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 4
Java JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 4

May 28, 2020

The 4th article in our series on JUnit 5 Architecture. We continue our discussions on the Rules vs the extension model and move our attention to the new JUnit 5 approach.

Luxoft Training adds new courses to portfolio
General Luxoft Training adds new courses to portfolio

May 20, 2020

At Luxoft Training we are constantly developing new solutions aimed at equipping IT&C professionals with the abilities they need to thrive in this environment.

JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 3
Java JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 3

May 12, 2020

In this third part of our article series on JUnit 5 Architecture we look at rules vs the extension model. Happy reading.

JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 2
Java JUnit 5 Architecture. Part 2

May 5, 2020

The second part of our article series on Junit 5 Architecture. This time we look at JUnit 5 Jupiter, JUnit 5 Vintage and more.

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